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How Does Facial Recognition Matching Work?

Facial Recognition Matching Allows Widespread Surveillance and Tracking

You wake up in the morning, get ready, head out for work–it’s a normal day.

On your way to work you realize you forgot your coffee, so you swing off on a detour, a route you don’t normally take, to get some.

You drive past dozens of cameras, walk past three more–you don’t think anything of it because they’re there to keep you safe after all.

Facial recognition matching programs file away notes of all these places you went–that you don’t normally go.

Later that day, there’s two out of uniform “officers” at your office-asking you why you drove three miles out of your way this morning, asking about your abnormal driving pattern.

What was that trip up the coast last week for? And the week before, what were you doing in New York then? Seem far fetched?

This is exactly the kind of surveillance state some government bureaucrats want to force on us so they can pretend to be fighting ? “terrorism” at the expense of our privacy and freedom-facial recognition matching is just one of the ways they want to do it.

In the Future, Corporations will Sell Us Our Own Surveillance with Catchy Tunes

Life Under Surveillance

What’s the big deal, right? After all, you’ve done nothing wrong, so you have nothing to hide right?

Well, for starters it isn’t about having done anything wrong-it is about having the right to conduct our daily lives without the intrusion of or harassment by imperious government officials

To add insult to injury there is the plain and simple fact that surveillance of this kind does nothing to stop terrorism, or crime, or any other social ill that it is supposed to combat.

Technologies like facial recognition matching only give government bureaucrats the power to intimidate and threaten private citizens for not matching their notions of what is appropriate or allowed.

Already surveillance programs have been used to target political dissidents, such as the TALON system instituted by former Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz which tracked anti-war protestors who then wound up having their travel “privileges” revoked.

The message from the powers that be is clear–sit down and shut up, because we’re watching you.

It isn’t About Terrorism-It’s About State Power

State surveillance is never about protecting citizens from their enemies technologies like facial recognition matching and other mass surveillance techniques are always used to protect the state from its enemies and that includes its citizens.

The reality is that terrorists pose no real threat to the average American’s life average death tolls from the 1960s to present shows that peanuts, lightning, and the government kill more Americans than terrorists.

But a single terrorist attack could destroy a politician’s career if he doesn’t dance and make pretend he’s doing something about it because of the terror caused by terrorism all that is needed is security theater to placate the voters.

The thing about security theater though is that it really does destroy your freedom, it really doesn’t protect you from terrorists, and the only ones who benefit are the politicians.

That is the incontrovertible truth.

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