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How Does Fascism Anyone Define Fascism?

The Article Called Fascism Anyone Lays Bare the Identifying Marks of Fascist Regimes.

The phrase “Fascism Anyone” is the title of an article written by Laurence Britt.

In the article, Britt compares the Fascist regimes of Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Suharto and Pinochet to extract 14 common characteristics.

These characteristics can then be used to test other governments to see if there is a correlation between their actions and fascism.

In particular, the following points indicate some of the disturbing parallels between what has been going on in America over the last decade and the definition of fascism.

As an example, Fascism distinguishes itself with a pronounced and systematic nationalism, using symbols, mottos and slogans to increase patriotism.

The 2001 USA Patriot Act was an example of this. Secondly, there is a characteristic trampling on human rights.

Torture has entered the US Government’s list of approved methods of interrogations of prisoners. Water-boarding for example has been approved.

Little by Little – Step by Step

Stamping on the People who Live in the Homeland

In the same way that civilians turned a blind eye to the increasing excesses of the Nazi and Fascist regimes of Germany and Italy, the American public, brainwashed with talk of threats to the homeland, said nothing.

Next on the list of Fascism Anyone is the classic scapegoat or ‘enemy without’ ploy.

The people are rallied to express their collective opposition against a particular foe, often defined in ideological terms.

Orwell’s descriptions of the “Hate Rallies” in his novel 1984 are an excellent illustration of this technique at work.

The Convenient Myth of Islamofascism

In the USA, the enemy is “islamofascism”, a term invented by the Republicans in 2006, when Bush was President.

Concerning the definition of fascism, islamofascism is a contradiction in terms in many aspects.

Islamists tend to be conservatives, opting for maintaining the religious status quo.

Fascism on the other hand aspires to being revolutionary and modernist by nature.

Fascism is also oriented towards the supremacy of the military, with inflated budgets for military spending even if this means domestic hardship for civilians.

The US Government was sending troops overseas for dubious reasons while the national debt was going through the roof.

The cost of the war waged by the US in Afghanistan and Iraq is somewhere around $600 billion.

This is not far from the bailout package from the US Government now desperately trying to dig the US out of the hole that the Bush administration put it in.

Only Publish what the Government Allows

Media control is further distinguishing feature of fascism in “Fascism Anyone”.

The free press is repressed, independent TV channels are harassed and journalists are channeled into obedience.

It is the kind of situation that was parodied in the film “V for Vendetta”.

This film projected a Fascist future for Britain, suggesting that the US had already sunk into national civil war, once again.

In the mean time, the Bush Administration forbad US editors to publish certain foreign writers and the FBI admitted to pirating journalists’ phone records.

Following on from this is the fascist obsession about security of the nation.

The Department of Homeland Security was a sinister echo of Hitler’s notorious phrase concerning the “security of the homeland”.

Fascism Anyone makes a list of 14 points in all. The handful described above already give food for thought where America is concerned.

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