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How Does Swine Flu Kill?

How Does Swine Flu Kill is a Question the Banking Cabal Does Not Want the Public to Understand. 

Swine flu reports have been exaggerated in order to make the situation appear worse than they really are. 

The mainstream media have made sure that the swine flu virus looks as it will spell the end of the world, and yet people are still left to wonder how does swine flu kill. 

This has been done to create fear and panic among the masses to make it easy for the banking cabal to make the public go along with any plan they have in regards to the swine flu. 

The banking cabal is to be able to create this fear through the media since they own and control the mainstream media. 

They used the swine flu to control people from making unnecessary trips outdoors in order to contain the spread of the virus. 

These measures were really not necessary for a virus that has proven to be less dangerous than the average flu. 

All of this is make the public comply with further restrictions when the flu season hits and there is more danger of spreading a virus from person to person. 

Plans are already being worked out which will put the American population on complete lock down when regular flu seasons occur. 

These are all just decoys to have control over the population for the banking cabals purposes in many of the plans they have to take control of the masses. 

The criminal banking cabal would like to deny that the swine flu virus is less dangerous than the regular flu which is why they reported that it has mutated. 

How does the swine flu kill is a question that the banking cabal has kept from being truthfully answered in the media. 

This is just all part of their attempts to strike fear in the public, have reasons to restrict freedoms of the masses, and make the masses do a variety of other things they want as modern day slaves.

How It Really Kills

How does swine flu kill is a question that the public deserves to have properly answered.

The mainstream media failed to do this because they were using the threat of swine flu death as a way to control the public.

This made it easy for the banking cabal to make the public act on their will. 

The truth is the swine flu kills when it hits a person who a preexisting weakened immune system for another reason.

This is why those who have other illnesses, that are pregnant, and small children at the most at risk.

The media does not people to make this connection. 

Other Lies to Control

How does swine flu kill is a question that became even more muddled in the media with the onset of another lie about the flu produced by the banking cabal.

This was the lie that the flu was mutating and becoming more deadly and harder to kill. 

Mutations in the swine flu virus are of no major concern as it should be expected to have mutations.

Being a strain of influenza means that it would be subject to mutations just by the very nature of the virus. The average flu is in a constant state of mutation. 

Ineffective Vaccines 

How does swine flu kill was a question the media never really answered in order to get the masses to do what the banking cabal wanted.

They wanted the public to believe with the recent mutations in the virus you will still be able to be protected with the vaccine that was developed before the mutations. 

They also would like for the public to think the banking cabal is able to predict the mutations that the influenza virus will go through every year so that the vaccine you receive will work.

With a mortality rate of .08%, you are better off fighting off the flu without a vaccine.

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