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I Do Not Consent: A Poem

I Do Not Consent: A Poem

I don’t consent to your wars and your lies
Nor do I consent to your planes spraying chemicals in the skies
You can take your vaccines and stick ‘em where the sun don’t shine
I’m done being your genetic experiment
You are diabolical geniuses, I must admit
You successfully programmed your human cattle not to question
Experts, and doctors, and politicians with no exception
Your propaganda outlets and mass medication
Have ruined so many lives across all the nations
The population has outsourced their thinking
Maybe it’s due to the fluoride they’ve been drinking
But hey let’s not get into that
Or I’ll have to get out my tin foil hat
Labeled a conspiracy theorist and a loon
For simply suggesting there’s something hiding behind the moon
Thinking for yourself is not allowed
“Take your meds,“ they say, to fit in with the crowd
America’s #1 in prison population, doesn’t that make you proud?
While the big drug dealers roam free
CEO’s of Pfizer, Eli Lilly, and Merck to name three
Holistic doctors are dropping like flies
Suicides and freak accidents just more and more lies
Trillions spent on war instead of education
How can we even call ourselves a CIVILization?
Funneling money to help Haitian devastation
Was instead used in human rights violations
Trafficking children right under our noses
Putting it right in our faces in Instagram poses
Facebook, Twitter, Google & More
Turned out to be nothing more than political censorship whores
The selfie isn’t cute when you realize it’s a sham
And nothing more than a facial recognition program
Our love of technology was a trojan horse
To spy and enslave us all in due course
Our compliance interpreted as consent
As you evil tyrants drop little clues and hints
Throughout the entertainment industry, a dark energy looms
Children abused in Hollywood will be the scandal that dooms
The matrix of lies is crashing all around
The sheeple have awakened & you slimebags are going down
Something you will wish you thought of prior
Is the power and determination of the human soul on fire

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