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International Relations and the Peace Dream

International Relations and the Peace People Want, Would be Bad for Business for Global Elites Who Profit From War, Destruction and Chaos to Build NWO.

International relations have always been a sticky point for the United States to manage.

In the early days of the nation we did not have a lot of strength and little worldly presence, but we could not allow the pirates along the Ivory Coast and Tripoli to abuse United States vessels.

Many wanted to get involved in World War I much sooner than we did, but it was widely considered known of our business.

America has often had an isolationist frame of mind where it just needed to get involved in things outside its borders only if it directly affected the nation.

Getting involved in World War II was considered much easier once the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in the fashion they did; throwing in a declaration against Germany was just icing on the cake at that point.

It would seem that since then the United States has deemed it necessary to be the world police; to stand up for those they deem cannot stand up for themselves and fight for their freedom whether they want it or not.

This has lead to a tenu0ous if not confusing relationship with the Philippines at times as well as the reputation of somewhat of a bully in the world arena.

As a result international relations and the peace that most desire has not quite been reached.

This is not meant to say that the U.S. is wrong in what it is doing; if some communist regime are not kept in check then they will provide a danger to U.S. interest as well as the country and its citizens.

International relations and the peace people desire will never be reached simply because it is not good business not to have someone we as a nation are angry with.

World War II brought the country out of the Great Depression; quite possibly why Roosevelt wanted to get involved so badly and ignored reports of a strange submarine in the waters of Pearl Harbor.

More recently, private armies like Blackwater are making a fortune while poaching the best soldiers from the rank and file of the army and selling their services back to the country for a huge profit margin.

War is Profit

Many companies have come under criticism for the profit they have made from the war especially companies like Halliburton and Blackwater; ending the war would actually be very bad for their bottom line.

War profiteering is nothing new either; Major General Smedley Butler, USMC, wrote in his book War is Racket that World War I cost the United States 52 billion dollars.

Actual wartime expenditures only totaled 39 billion; 16 billion in profit was realized as well- and we were not in that one for very long either.

Can’t We all Just Get Along?

The question should not be can we, but should we?

International relations and the peace we all say we want would be great, but what about the many Americans that would then be out of jobs as mercenaries- they might just come back to this country and take their bottled up aggression out on us!

Then again, I guess we can hire whoever is left in Blackwater to hunt down the crazy ones and deal with them domestically too.

Then our domestic security will depend on whether or not it is profitable to stop the bad guys- scary thought.

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