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Is Big Brother Watching You?

Is Big Brother Watching You. Domestic Surveillance is Becoming More Common as the Government Develops Technologically Advanced Spy Programs. 

Is Big Brother watching you? 

They already have been in the past and they’ll continue to do so in the future in even bigger ways. 

Since 9/11, terrorism has become a huge problem both in the United States and around the world. 

The passing of the Homeland Security Act is just one of the many ways the Bush administration has attempted to increase security as well as a way to monitor the lives of people entering and leaving the country. 

But one of the things the Homeland Security Act provides for that most Americans don’t like is the ability to keep tabs on anyone that catches their interest. 

And the American government is planning on building a huge database which will contain all this information about American citizens, all 300 million of us. 

The government wants to know everything there is to know about you, such as your bank account information, your educational records, where you travel, what’s in your e-mail, and what books you read. 

The frightening thing is that the government will get all this information about you without you even knowing that they’re doing so. 

Is Big Brother watching you? 

Without question, the government is watching very closely to what many Americans are doing.

Intelligence Programs

Two of the programs the government is developing to keep an eye on Americans are the Total Information Awareness (TIA) and the Computer-Assisted Passenger Pre-Screening System II (CAPPS II). 

When it comes to security, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has been trying to move the focus away from baggage and onto people.

The CAPPS II intelligence program has the potential to analyze our habits and provide warning signs of possible security threats. 

This raises a lot of concern among privacy advocate groups in the country.

The monitoring of Americans is bad enough but to study their habits seems as though it’s something from the future. Is Big Brother watching you?

He’s not only watching you but he’s analyzing the way we go about our every day lives. 

The Total Information Awareness intelligence program isn’t as close to being ready for use, but when ready this enormous project will be the largest data-mining system in the world.

Information about individuals will be stored in large databases that any government official will have access to at any time. 

Data-mining goes against the history of this country. Once this type of technology is being used it will make Americans aware that they’re being watched.

And this will change the way we act, making us much less of a free society than our Founding Fathers wanted us to be. 

RFID Tags for Tracking

Radio Frequency Identification tags are becoming more technologically advanced and soon you can expect to see these tags in almost everything you buy.

Although RFID tags will be used mainly by retailers and marketers, they have the capability of storing information about you that can then be read by a reader or scanner. 

Some companies are already planning on using Radio Frequency Identification for human purposes, such as keeping track of you when you’re in the hospital with a tag that stores vital information about your health and your medication. 

Although this may seem innocent enough, and it sounds like a good way to reduce and eliminate errors in health care, the bottom line is that your personal information is being stored on tiny tags that not only the intended recipient will be able to read. 

Is Big Brother watching you through RFID tags?

Not yet, so at this time our civil liberties aren’t being violated but in the near future these tags will be used to track almost everything including your movements once you leave the store with your purchases. 

Spying on Americans 

While privacy advocates in the United States are still going head to head with the federal government over the National Security Agency’s domestic spying programs, more and more domestic surveillance programs are being developed.

And chances are that the American people will be even more shocked when they find out what the federal government has in store for them in the future. 

For instance, the U.S. Mint program is a system that looks at your credit card information every time you make a purchase online.

This program wasn’t developed to fight the war on terrorism, but instead targets only American citizens.

The intent of this Big Brother program is to identify criminal activity and to prevent fraud from happening. 

Credit card companies have programs in place to deal with fraud so the question is why is the federal government interested in your credit card?

Of course it’s not your card that they’re interested in, but rather the information that goes along with it, such as what areas of the Internet are you looking at and what you’re buying while you’re online. 

The future for Americans is full of surveillance, which many times we won’t even know is happening.

We need to educate ourselves and find out what surveillance programs are violating our right to privacy so we can speak out about our rights.

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