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Is Effective Leadership Possible in America?

Effective Leadership is Not Possible as a Banking Cabal Owns Government, the Education System and the Media. 

Effective leadership is something the banking cabal understands, propagates and molds. 

From the influential pull of bankers Rothschild and Rockefeller, who have their hands in the establishment of so many media, education and corporate organizations it’s no wonder they have all the power in America. 

For years this inimical banking cabal has plotted and planned, bought up American institutions, bought the media and bought our politicians. 

They own the government, they dictate public opinion, and they use this power to manipulate all of us into seeing their point of view, and blindly following it. 

These money masters have been able to print their own fortunes, have stolen trillions of dollars and used it to buy up the world. 

Since 1913 America has been in a state of freefall where our economy has been precarious and our financial situation dire. 

This is because in the same year we gave the bankers the power to dictate economic policy; we privatized our monetary system and doomed all future generations. 

Now we are being shunted toward their ultimate goal of globalization, control and domination as their New World Order comes closer and closer. 

Soon we will all live in a one world totalitarian government, where the few enslave the many. 

Effective Leadership: The Education System

These bankers have used the education system to recruit not only the brightest men in the world to their cause but the most easily influenced.

Men who come from wealth and can be molded into future puppet leaders for their cause. 

Men like George Bush who never had any real chance of becoming president on merit, are suddenly thrown up into power because the elite want it that way.

Look what he did for them – the American people have less rights and liberties than ever before. 

By using the education system to not only control what the people learn, to limit their knowledge or suppress their intelligence but also to recruit – the elite have infiltrated their way into each of our lives. 

They have seized power right out from under us and all who stand against them are systematically destroyed.

Effective Leadership: The Media

“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.

“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years.”

– David Rockefeller

All dominant sources of news have been controlled by the banking cabal since the early twentieth century.

Editorial content has been selected, suppressed and in many cases altered completely to give the public the globalist view of the world. 

Do you remember a time when the New World Order was a bad thing? Now it is being hailed by the media as a solution to the world’s problems.

Effective Leadership: The New World Order

This banking cabal that has managed to buy capitol hill and all major corporations that exist today an moving in for the kill strike.

If the New World Order ever comes to pass it will mean the end of freedom, of America and of individual thought. 

Their policies of depopulation, war and slavery will change the world as we know it. Do not believe anything the media says. The NWO remains our greatest threat.

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