Lies and September 11 Events
The Truth Behind September 11 Events. The World is Waking up Fast to the Obvious Truth That the Fall of the Twin Towers Was an Inside Job by the U.S. Government.
As time passes there is clear evidence that the September 11 events were not as the official government story would have us believe.
The physical evidence does not match up with what the government claimed happened.
Most people who look at the total body of evidence can see there are glaring inconsistencies.
The September 11 events were filmed and witnessed by millions around the world.
Thousands of eyewitnesses saw the attacks and aftermath first hand and their accounts often contradict the propaganda the government would have us believe.
While many witnesses with the most damaging first hand accounts have been intimidated and even met with early and suspicious deaths, the truth is out there.
The same propaganda machine that has worked so well to convince most of the world of these lies also provides evidence that can be used to refute the lies.
One of the most glaring and inconsistent parts of the story is how the hijackers were able to do what they did.
We are meant to believe that with a minimal amount of training in single engine Cessna planes and some flight simulator time, these people were able to execute complicated maneuvers and hit their targets with professional pilot precision.
By examining the September 11 events in detail one can pick apart the government story that these terrorists were able to do this.
If the pilots were inexperienced then how were the planes able to hit their targets?
Remote Control
The September 11 events can be easily explained by remote control planes in the case of the Twin Towers.
The flight instructors of the terrorists commented that they were horrible students who had no clue how to fly a plane.
We are supposed to believe they took control of 757’s and hit their targets going over 500 mph.
Professional pilots who have watched the flight maneuvers doubt that any amateur with no jet plane flying experience could pull it off.
The more reasonable and logical explanation is that the terrorists were patsies and the planes were remote controlled.
In the case of the Pentagon attack, flight 77 most likely crashed somewhere and a missile attack was ordered.
The lack of plane debris and the odd perfectly shaped hole cutting through the Pentagon rings gives credit to this theory.
The Technology Exists
The military has had remote controlled aircraft since the second world war.
Since the ability to fly a plane remotely has been known about it has been used by us and others.
Planes are flown as decoys for war games all the time.
The SAGE program consists of remote controlled planes and has recently flown completely unmanned planes across the Pacific ocean.
Remotely wiring a commercial jet would not be a challenge at all.
False Flag Attacks
To convince a reluctant public that you should engage in unpopular wars or implement polices unfavorable to them many governments have turned to false flag attacks.
These attacks are made to look like another government or entity attacked you so you can wage the war you wish without being the naked aggressor.
Given a story like this people are more willing to sanction bloody and costly wars, and laws like the Patriot Act can more easily be passed.
The September 11 events gave our government and the New World Order powers behind it a blank check to do all of this.