Many Want to See an Iraq Democracy Come to Full Fruition and Maturity
Some Think an Iraq Democracy is not the Answer at all- Where-In Lies the Balance and Counterpoint of Hidden Agendas and Desired Outcomes?
Voters and the general populace, the people living, working and born, citizens in Iraq are getting, regaining their say and voice back!
They are on the returning roads to democracy and fair democratic elections at the end of this year (2009), if all is well and works according to plan.
Liberated freedoms, elections, voting, economic empowerment, all are coming and working together to start stabilizing a country and regaining its glory, optimizing its potential.
Whether Iraq democracy will be a reality will remain to be seen – there are believers and advocates, as well as critics and sceptics on both sides, even on the fence on this one!
Inside the country lots are happening, in post-war society in Iraq.
Secular and nationalist parties are voted into representation and preferred or selected consistently by the people, for them to lead them moving forward, into a promising future and freedom, on the road, down the path of Iraq democracy.
It is high time for these war-tired, fatigued people and inhabitant to have some form of normalcy return, having their voices heard for a change and chance.
There is increasing evidence that there are some grounds and inroads made, forcing terrorism groups and radical elements out, correcting imbalances, better leadership, control in some areas and instances.
However vocal opponents to the political process, like the armed resistance, states clearly that consultation is a necessity and failure is not an option.
There is a relatively non-violent, peaceful transfer of power, although not much confidence still in and through the process itself.
How long will it take, how long will it last, will Iraq democracy be important, make a difference and happen soon, bring stability, be worth it?
What if it Iraq democracy stumbles, falls, fails, not happen, remain an elusive dream?
Here are two viewpoints on what it will take and what is happening inside Iraq and elsewhere.
Inside Iraq – On the Road to Democracy
Radical Islam’s Threat to Democracy
New impetus and incentives for success, some say that it is way too early to give a verdict on this. Predictions are optimistic.
Religious-base political parties support have waned. Security and political stability keep shaping a possible troop-withdrawal acceleration.
National elections at year-end will tell and if successful, non-eventful with no to limited aftermath, progress and democracy seems to be right around the corner.
But if is plausible, will it make a difference and last… only time will tell.
Tensions and resurgence threats remain, security and counter-terrorism training, initiatives and support might have to remain in place even longer than the targeted earlier 2010 withdrawal timetable outlined by newly elected President Obama.