Media Must Expose Secret Societies
People Who Seek Truth Must Expose Secret Societies. Government is Supposed to be in Broad Daylight, but Elite Rulers in Dark Rooms Run the World for Their Profit.
We must expose secret societies! For centuries they have been in existence, quietly pulling the strings behind the politicians and monarchs and controlling the events of the world.
They often meet in secret to plot the course of America. These societies advance the cause of total New World Order control.
The Poor Fellow Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, better known as the Knights Templar, were an elite military society during the Middle Ages.
They were quite powerful during the Holy Crusades; their masterful methods of finance helped create an immense treasure of wealth for the group.
Officially, they only existed for about two centuries, disappearing after the group was ordered disbanded by the King.
Legend has it that the Knights remained in existence, but went underground. The amount of power and wealth they had maintained was too much to give up.
Supposedly, to this day, members of the Knights Templar still protect some of the world’s most important religious relics, many with rumored powers that could affect the fate of the world.
The public must expose other secret societies like the Skull and Bones. Operating out of Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, membership in the society has been a sought after privilege of the elite for centuries.
Many of the nation’s most powerful people are counted amongst its membership. Known for taking care of their own, those within the Skulls have made some of the biggest errors and gotten away Scot free.
Documents in 1942 were discovered that led officials to believe that some members of the Skulls were responsible for helping Hitler rise to power.
Law enforcement officers using the Trading with the Enemy Act seized companies belonging to four different members.
The information that came out in the investigation was classified and not allowed to become public till 2002, when it was widely publicized in the news.
So instead of ending up incarcerated as they deserved, the members got away clean (possibly and probably due to influence the society had with high ranking officials).
One conspirator and Skull was eventually elected to the U.S. Senate and another became the governor of New York.
We must expose secret societies like these before they are really able to accomplish something dangerous!
We Must Expose Secret Societies!
We must expose secret societies before they implement ways to control us all! Recently a plan of the Bilderberg group, an unofficial and invitation only meeting of some of the world’s brightest minds, was made public.
In order to fight terrorism, they proposed that every American be implanted with a microchip.
With reports of Al Queda recruiting blonde haired, blue eyed types that blend in much better than your average suicide bomber.
With these implants, ferreting out these bombers will be much easier. To sell the plan even more, the microchips, if mass implanted, can be used to increase security at airports.
Chips can also make the work of hospital staff easier since they will be able to scan the chip and get whatever data is needed.
Proponents cite current use of microchips to show how successful they can be. Mexico’s attorney general had himself implanted along with 160 of his staff in order to control access to secure areas.
Some clubs have even presented microchip implants to guests so that they will only have to wave their hand to pay for drinks or gain access to VIP areas.
We must expose secret societies like these so that they will quit controlling the financial system to their benefit and to the detriment of the masses.
The Federal Reserve was created in order to steal money from the middle class and the poor and give it to the rich to fund the creation of the New World Order by the Illuminati.
The fact that a secret society is behind the Federal Reserve is the only way that such an unconstitutional entity could exist for as long as it has.
We must expose secret societies before it is too late and they control every aspect of our daily life!