More and More People were Asking was Obama Really a Socialist
“Was Obama Really a Socialist” and Other Important Questions you Should be Asking About State Control Over Economic Collapse.
Was Obama really a socialist or is he leaning more toward fascism?
The similarities between the United States of late and pre-WWII Germany are remarkable. Both countries had been rattled by war and weak economies.
Both countries had recently suffered a major national catastrophe; 9/11 in America and the burning of the Reichstag in Germany.
And both countries were in search of a leader they felt could carry them out of their troubles and lead them to a prosperous future.
For Germany that person was Adolf Hitler. For the United States we started with George W. Bush who had real authoritarian talents.
He ran rampant through our Constitution and Bill of Rights with programs like the Patriot Act, the warrantless wiretapping, and the Sneak and Peek provision which blatantly broke the fourth amendment against unwarranted search and seizure.
But George’s problem wasn’t his beliefs or his malleability by those really in charge, but rather the public grew to hate him.
His arrogance and lack of command of the English language distanced him from the unthinking followers preferred by leaders in this type of sea change. In walks Barack Obama.
Obama has such a command of the English language and its use he doesn’t make speeches he gives sermons, hypnotizing his lathering groupies into frenzies of political passion.
Hitler possessed the same type of crown command Obama has.
So now we have the totalitarian rules in place with a charismatic leader, the same as Hitler’s Germany.
Which Obama Did You Vote for?
Obama and His Fascist Views
Is Obama really a socialist or will he stay on the same path toward tyranny? Only time will tell but so far the signs aren’t good.
Obama is in support of the Fairness Doctrine being reinstated with the approval of the Media Reform Ownership Act (MORA).
These acts are in direct violation of the first amendment of the Constitution which guarantees freedom of the press.
With the MORA the government will be able to go in and regulate the quantity of airspace allowed per media outlet and require them to produce programming to provide a “balanced” position on important subjects.
The Constitution doesn’t require the media to do anything. It very simply, in English so plain even George W. Bush could repeat it, gives absolute freedom to the press to print whatever they want.
When we ask is Obama really a socialist, his approval of the MORA gives us our answer.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
– United States Constitution, Fourth Amendment.
Bush’s Laws not Rescinded
So far, none of George W. Bush’s fascist laws have been rescinded including the Patriot Act, the warrantless wiretapping, and the Sneak and Peak provision.
The Obama Administration justifies each query with either a “we’re looking into it”, or “in light of what we now know we approve”.
This is a far cry from the Messiah we first new when he was simply running for the office of President of the United States.
The closing of Guantanamo Bay means nothing as public outrage would have required it anyway and the U.S. has thousands of prisoners “elsewhere”.
Is Obama really a socialist or is he far worse? So far, it’s not looking good.