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No Help for Step Parent

Government Gives no Help for Step Parent to Break Family Bonds.

Today our nation is plagued with record divorce rates. 

Many people are convinced by the media that marriage is not important, that divorce is not harmful and should be taken advantage of if you are mildly unhappy. 

We are bombarded with the message that we should focus on ourselves and be self-centered. 

Our individual happiness is the most important, and freedom from the “shackles” of marriage is the ideal state to live in. 

These prevailing attitudes combine with a large part of the population coming from broken homes themselves to lead to more and more single parent families, divorces, orphaned children and abortions. 

These single parents then move on to new relationships and their new partners become step parents. 

This creates a whole new set of issues where there is little or no help for step parent in figuring out their role and duties. 

The current state of disarray the American family is experiencing is by design. 

The elite that really control this country and world know that in order to increase their control over the masses they must break down the fundamental ties between people. 

This is why the Rockefeller Foundation and the CIA helped bank roll the women’s liberation movement.

Not only could they double the size of the taxable workforce but they threw a monkey wrench into the fundamental aspects of the family dynamic.

Women’s Liberation

While the women’s liberation movement of the 1960s and 70s brought equal rights to women in the workplace, it had dire consequences that were intended by the elite. 

This movement pushed for acceptance of “no fault” divorces. This allows for the dissolution of a marriage without showing any cause or reason.

Where these were once only allowed in remote locations, quickly available to the rich, they became commonplace. 

Divorces were easier to get and thus increased in number. This increased the amount of stepparents in the world who were ill equipped for the many unique challenges causing more problems.

Help for stepparent is not the primary concern for the original parent and only causes more issues down the road. 

With no help for step parent and the focus of the original parent on their new relationship the child’s interests are pushed aside.

By not being given what they need from their parents, the children look for leadership and validation from other sources.

Usually this takes the form of indoctrination from the media, peers and teachers. 

Plan of the Elite

By making life more difficult for married couples, propagating divorce and giving no help for step parent the basic family unit is undermined.

Children of divorce are twice as likely to abuse alcohol and drugs than those from stable families. 

The media takes great pains to make sure we are both distracted by pointless entertainment and are indoctrinated with the degenerating values that promote sexual promiscuity, drug and alcohol abuse, and other activities that hack away at the social fabric. 

This, combined with absentee parents, leads to an entire generation of people who are not interested in how our leaders run this nation, why their freedoms are being taken away or who is really controlling the world. 

This is the ultimate goal of the New World Order that the ruling elite wants to set up.

By making everyone who does care have a stake in their success and distracting, drugging and marginalizing the rest of the people they will achieve their goal of a one-world police state.

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