NWO Application of Global Positioning System
The Application of Global Positioning System Technologies to Usher in the Age of Big Brother is Happening Now. We Are Being Watched All the Time.
Ask most people to name an application of global positioning system technologies, and they will immediately reference the GPS system installed in their car.
Runners might show off watches that calculate routes and measure heart rates.
Catch a soldier and they might talk about logistics and navigation uses for troops.
What no one seems to mention is that these technologies can also be used to facilitate the full-time monitoring of the global population by governments and others who seek Big Brother level control over the world.
It’s uncomfortable to think about the fact that all satellite navigation technologies got their start as military applications, and they are still in fact owned and operated by military personnel and just loaned out to civilian companies.
The application of global positioning system technologies as citizen monitoring tools has thus far been discussed only in science fiction movies and by individuals who can be pooh-poohed away as being conspiracists.
Yet it’s not fringe and hooey, but it is actually a reality of modern life that needs to be faced.
Government groups the world over still control GPS technologies, and they can use them for military and surveillance purposes at will.
Just because it isn’t publicly being done yet doesn’t mean it isn’t possible and couldn’t happen.
As Easy as it Looks
Using an application of global positioning system technologies for citizen monitoring is every bit as easy as it looks in the video.
Just as one would with a dashboard Garmin, a simple zoom and click could get the target acquired and automatically followed for as long as desired.
Couple it with street views provided by satellites and exemplified for the public through Google Earth applications, and suddenly every movement is happening under a microscope.
The only blessing is that there aren’t enough people to sit in front of the CCTV screen to watch everyone.
Be Ready when it Happens
However, as technology advances, it would take less and less to monitor more and more locations.
An advanced application of global positioning system technologies could rely on heat or motion sensors to trigger active monitoring of a location and cut down on the need for constant human eyes.
It’s scary to think that the same technologies that are facilitating driving around without getting lost could also prevent citizens from every being misplaced by their governments.
But it really is only a matter of time before government’s pitch it as a new means of keeping citizens safe.
When Big Brother and his agents put the proposal out there, be ready. Constant monitoring doesn’t create safety it only reduces liberty and destroys privacy.
Citizens need to find a balance between using the convenient technologies and having it used against them.