NYC Flyover
NYC Flyover Demonstrates Failed Internal Workings of Federal Government and Psychology of Terror.
With less than 4 months remaining until the 8th Anniversary of 9/11 the NYC flyover organized by the federal government reminded hundreds or thousands in the downtown area of exactly how they felt on that tragic day.
On the morning of April 27, a low flying jumbo jet and two F16 fighters buzzed the harbor and the Ground Zero area of Manhattan.
Panic ensued.
No one knew that this shocking scene had been planned nearly a month in advance by the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) and the White House military office.
The Jumbo Jet was the stand in Air Force 1 plane and it was on a propaganda photo shoot that cost the taxpayers $328,835.
Was this well spent money at a time when the economy is in shambles due to an economy based on economic speculation and the need-for-permanent-growth mentality?
Not in the opinion of US taxpayers who are still furious with the bail out giveaways of hundreds of millions of dollars to the same Wall Street firms that promoted the creation of this mess in the first place.
Obama spoke out quickly against the flyover event.
Announcing that it will not happen again, he launched an investigation into what went wrong at the White House to allow for this to have occurred.
Senator Schumer Condemns FAA
White House Communications
New York officials were outraged by the event.
The military Director of the White House, Luis Caldera, has taken the blame for not informing White House officials.
However one version of events was that the FAA had told local authorities that the NYC flyover was to be kept secret from the public.
If the event was being organized for almost a month in advance it becomes mindboggling that the White House Press Secretary as well as Chief of Staff would not have been aware of the plan.
This event resulted in the resignation of Caldera from his post.
But it also reveals a lack of order and communication within the White House and the Executive branch offices.
No One at the Wheel in the White House
The NYC flyover seems to indicate that at the end of the first 100 days there was still no established and effective chain of communication on Pennsylvania Avenue.
The Obama team which includes consummate Beltway insiders and Wall Street bankers has often made contradicting and flip flop statements in its short time in office.
One must wonder if there is anyone in charge at all.
No End in Sight to Fear
For New Yorkers the NYC flyover was an exercise in insecurity. Since 9/11 Americans continue to feel vulnerable.
This is the result of decades of terror, torture and warfare propagated by U.S. imperial power in order to safeguard business interests.
For the first time in history the U.S. public has paid a psychological price for the terror that the U.S. has inflicted over the years.
That terror will likely have reason to continue as no real indications of changes to foreign policy or actually ending the 21st Century Oil Wars are in sight.