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Debt to Success System - Page 303 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

AIG 60 Billion Dollar Loss

The AIG 60 Billion Dollar Loss Signified A Failed Management Strategy. The news of AIG 60 billion dollar loss didn’t catch the financial pundits unawares, many of whom have been expecting that the company would explode someday because it has been sitting on a keg of gunpowder in the way the management of Aig spend

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Agricultural Chemicals Deadly?

The Real Effects of Agricultural Chemicals on Our Bodies Are Hidden by Seemingly Credible Government Studies. Many Experts Claim, However, the True Effects Are Harmful. We might think that we live in a wonderful time and benefit from all sorts of advantages, but the truth is completely different. While many people believe that the president

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The Agri Food Industry is Corrupted by Monsanto, the Conglomerate that Controls Most of the World’s Food Supply. The agri food industry is dominated by one of the world’s biggest companies, the omni-powerful, multi-billion dollar Monsanto agriculture company. Initially Monsanto began as the largest chemical company in the world and expanded its horizons by becoming

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Party Politics That Agree With Censorship Could Make Politicians Say What Their Affiliates Want to Hear. When American politicians take actions that indicate that they agree with censorship, the American public must choose what they believe. Either these politicians and representatives truly believe that censorship defends important ethical and moral values, or they are being

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The First Agencies Reporting Credit

The Agencies Reporting Credit Serve Elite Agendas. Credit is a Scam That is Designed to Enslave People to Debt and a Lifetime of Tracking & Rating by NWO Bankers. The first agencies reporting credit began with Lewis Tappan, a 19th century businessman who was an unlikely person to establish the first system of collecting and

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Time to Rise Against Usury

Those Enduring Usury Have Had but a Small Voice Until Now. Corrupt Banker-Owned Media Sharks Have Successfully Trained Americans to Pay Exorbitant Interest on Loans. The purpose of this article is to simply present ideas supporting those who are against usury. There was a time in history when charging interest was considered an offense equal

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