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Debt to Success System - Page 304 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

Who is Against North American Union?

Those Against North American Union Understand That Combining the United States With Canada and Mexico Will Lead to the Destruction of the U.S. Constitution. Many against North American Union stand up and tell their tale. Those who truly understand what can result from such a union, and don’t cower in fear. They speak out and

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An Alliance Against Genetically Modified Foods is Much Needed. The FDA Offers no Protection to Health, People Must Stand Up and Refuse Genetic Tampering. While many Americans are against genetically modified foods, it is apparent that we have all been exposed to foods that have been genetically altered. The elite group under the umbrella of

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Where is Affordable Organic Food?

Why is Affordable Organic Food Hard to Find? Elites Put a Fast Food Chain on Every Corner While Using Federal Law to Restrict Healthy Alternatives & Sicken People. Affordable organic food is more than a challenge to purchase and virtually impossible to purchase as a regular diet for families in America. The cost of living

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Socialist Views Affect the Educational System

How Misleading Changes in the 1970’s Affect the Educational System to This Day in a Negative Manner. In The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt illustrates how a group of Socialist-thinking people affect the educational system.  She details a disturbing history of the American school system that goes all the way back to the

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Aerial Surveillance Has Many Applications

Aerial Surveillance Has Both Domestic and Military Uses. The Growing NWO Police State Will Use Military Technology for a Quiet Lock-Down of Free Society. Aerial surveillance used by farmers to monitor their crops is a benign and beneficial way to use this technology. Unfortunately, this technology is used to spy on American citizens. The tools

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Aerial Drones Used By The U.S. Military

Aerial Drones Are a Technology Capable of Service to the New World Order. The Drones Are Perfectly Suited for Aerial Surveillance of American Citizens, Further Eroding Privacy Rights. Aerial Drones are used by the U.S. military to patrol the skies over Afghanistan and Iraq. These have been employed for several years. They can identify enemy

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