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Debt to Success System - Page 306 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

How Activism Against the Drug War is Changing the U.S. The Federal government has waged a losing battle against narcotics for almost one hundred years.  In the process of this “war” the U.S. government has spent countless billions of dollars, arrested hundreds of thousands of citizens for victimless crimes and turned other wise law abiding

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Learn why Active Zionism is Evil

How Active Zionism Means a March to Globalism. Recently, President Obama met with the Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu. Mass media reports declared the meeting as being historic and of great significance towards the push for peace in Gaza and Palestine. What didn’t make the news was Israel’s cold reaction to calls for a dual-state

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Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients will Kill

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Are Full of Dangers. People Blindly Obey Doctors’ Orders and Put Dangerous Big Pharma Chemicals Into Their Bodies. Active pharmaceutical ingredients are poisons. These ingredients actually poison the brain. They alter the chemistry of the brain and change how we respond to stimuli. All the better for psychiatrists because the alteration of

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Active Free Energy Sources

Active Free Energy Can Free America. The US & the World Are Enslaved to the Fossil Fuel Paradigm Which Enriches Dirty Elites & Keeps People Struggling to Buy Dirty Energy. Finding active free energy sources is essential for the United States if this country is going to live as it has in the past, but

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The Act that Eliminated Habeas Corpus

Learn About the Act That Eliminated Habeas Corpus. The Military Commissions Act is a Giant Step Towards Totalitarian Lock-down in the Post 9/11 US Police State. The act that eliminated habeas corpus following 9/11 was the Presidential Military Order given by President Bush on November 13, 2001. Forces were ordered to detain non-United States citizens

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How ACORN Group Choose Money Use?

The Acorn Group Has a Preset Agenda With the Requisite Need for Funds. Acorn, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is the nation’s largest community organization of low and moderate income families. Acorn group isn’t good nor bad; but it is unapologetically a political organization. Political organizations, by their very nature, have an

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