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Debt to Success System - Page 313 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

Abolish the Federal Reserve

Abolish the Federal Reserve to Save America. Only by Disbanding This Criminal Organization Once and for All Will America be Free From Enslavement by the Banking Elite. To understand calls to abolish the Federal Reserve, one needs to understand first what the Fed is and what it is not. This bank is not what many

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ABC Reality TV Show Tie in Nicely with the Patriot Act

What do ABC Reality TV Shows Have to Do With National Security? Mainstream Media Brainwashes People Into Feeling Comfortable With a Police-State Mentality. You will laugh when your neighbour or mother tells you that ABC reality TV shows are fodder for the brain, and you will scoff at them thinking they have no clue. Because

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ABC Reality TV Show Ratings

ABC Reality TV Show Distracts Us From Reality. The NWO Distracts You With Mind Control Programming While the Police-State Quietly Destroys Freedom & Liberty in the USA. ABC reality TV show awards are to be aired this fall. The awards show is to honor network and cable primetime reality and alternative series and specials due

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Aaron Russo 9/11 Truth Producer

The Aaron Russo 9/11 Truth Comments Are Clear. The Maker of ‘Freedom to Fascism’ States Plain & Simply That the Twin Towers Were Felled by Controlled Demolition. DTSS review of Academy Award nominee Aaron Russo 9/11 truth supporter and maker of such well known films as “Trading Places” and “The Rose,” makes no qualms about

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A Voice of Dissent

A Voice of Dissent is Very Important to the Preservation of Freedom. For years teachers have been telling students not to be afraid to ask questions.  There are no stupid questions, just unasked ones.  “If you think it is stupid,” teachers will say, “chances are it is the same one that several other people have

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A Theology of Liberation

A Theology of Liberation Used to Cover up Crimes Our nation is based on a theology of liberation as the earliest colonists from the Old World came here seeking religious freedom.  This desire to be allowed to worship and live as one wanted transmuted itself into a strong desire for political and economic freedom as

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