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Debt to Success System - Page 314 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

A Sustainable Tyranny Reality

Enforcing a Sustainable Tyranny Requires the Government to Mislead People. The Public is Easily Controlled Using Today’s Government Run Mass-Media Misinformation Matrix. The threat of global warming has become a means to enforce a sustainable tyranny upon the people, their land, their industries and their way of life. Global warming is no longer an idea

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A Socialist Country Has a Society Characterized by Equality for all Individuals

A Socialist Country Has Never Solved the Real Social Problems.  A Socialist Country is not a description that America would have identified with in 1776, but today is a different story.  This country’s current administration has been filled with Democrats and left over Socialists from the old Clinton administration.  “We can’t expect the American people

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A Private Banking System

A Private Banking System Not Only Benefits From U.S. Economic Policy, It Designs the Policy! Little does the American public realize that a private banking system actually controls the U.S. Federal Reserve and the so called ”national” or central banks across the globe.  Granted, readers may think that this sounds like a loony conspiracy-theorist-rant.  To

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A One World Alliance is Here

A One World Alliance to Promote Planetary Plutocracy is at Hand. People Must Prepare to Fight Back Against the Onset of the Global Totalitarian State Run by the Banking Elite. The concept of a one world alliance is often referred to as part of a New World Order organized by a powerful and secretive group

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A New World Order Means Slavery

A New World Order Means Global Enslavement. The Time to Act is Now, While You Still Have the Freedom to do Something About the Rising Global Fascist Force. A new World Orders means the Order the elitists have been loyal to will now be the controlling order for the entire world. The actions of these

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Look at a History of Freedom Fighters

A History of Freedom Fighters is Revealed to Many People. Activism Gives the Common Masses a Way to Rise Up & Become Powerful so Righteous Rule Can be Restored. A history of freedom fighters is used for those engaged in an armed struggle. The main goal is to achieve freedom for themselves or obtain freedom

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