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Debt to Success System - Page 318 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

750 Billion Bailout Revealed

The 750 Billion Bailout Upwardly Redistributes the Wealth to Elites. Bailouts Are One of Many Ways Big Business Conspires With Government to Keep the Masses Enslaved. The 750 billion bailout for finance and securities may rise to $1 trillion before long. The same bankers and securities brokers who created the crisis, benefit from bailouts. Americans

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The 700 Billion Bailout Bill Revealed

The 700 Billion Bailout Bill is an Attack on Free Enterprise. As the NWO Grows, the Government Seizes Control of More Private Industry; Fascism Lives in the US. The 700 billion bailout bill is intended to overcome the global economical crisis. According to Bush, the bill will prevent the economic crisis of Wall Street from

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490 Billion Bailout Examined

The 490 Billion Bailout was Simply the Beginning of Fascistic Reign Over Business. People Are Watching Closely as Elites Subject Free Enterprise to Government Control. In wondering about the 490 billion bailout, the number has ballooned to an astonishing $700 billion. This is taxpayer money that is being funneled to the very leaders who helped

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The 350 Billion U.S. Bailout Examined

Where Did the 350 Billion US Bailout Funds Go? Big Business and Government Have Joined Forces to Ensure That All US Economic Resources Are Sucked up by Elite. In the fall of 2008, the unprecedented 350 billion dollar bailout began. Seeing the impending collapse of its financial industry, the United States government rushed to give

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The 111Th Congress and Gun Control

The 111th Congress and Gun Control Legislation Have Sparked Active Debate. The Lock-Down Has Begun as the NWO Fascist State Removes Our Ability to Defend Ourselves. The 111th Congress and gun control legislation of the Obama variety came into power following the 2008 elections. The democrats won across the board with the new president and

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The 19th Amendment to the Constitution

How the 19th Amendment to the Constitution Came About Historically Through Smart Ideas and Actions. Activism Creates Change. The 19th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States forbids any of the states and also the Federal government from denying any citizen the right to vote on account of the sex of their citizen. It

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