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Debt to Success System - Page 319 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

18th Amendment to the US Constitution

The 18th Amendment to the US Constitution Was a Failure and Was Repealed, So Why Have Feds Re-instituted it? The 18th amendment to the US Constitution had a way of resurrecting itself from the grave. Many Americans know that ”Prohibition” was the time in our history, during the early 1900s, when alcohol was prohibited in this

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16th Amendment of the Constitution Illegal?

With the 16th Amendment of the Constitution Never Being Ratified, the IRS Should Not Even Exist! Americans Are Enslaved to a Voluntary Shakedown by Elites. The surprising historical fact is that the 16th Amendment of the Constitution was never officially ratified. This means that it was not approved by the required majority of states. It

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The 15th Amendment to the Constitution

The 15th Amendment to the Constitution is Important. The first twelve amendments to the United States Constitution were all adopted in the first twenty years of its existence. Following the twelfth amendment, sixty years would pass before an event would again provoke change great enough to demand further changes to the Constitution. That event was

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The 14th Amendment to the Constitution

The 14th Amendment to the Constitution and Its Definition of Citizenship. If ten people on the streets of the United States of America were to list the different ways that one can become an official citizen of the United States, the chances are that nine, or even ten of them would include ”being born in

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The 14 Signs of Fascism

Beware of the 14 Signs of Fascism. America’s Takeover is More Overt With Policies That Are Outright Dictatorial in Spirit and Substance; This Regime Must be Taken Down Now. Be aware of the 14 signs if fascism as they come to America. Our Constitution is being destroyed as we sit and watch. We are coming under

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12 Federal Reserve Banks Illegal

The 12 Federal Reserve Banks Have Privatized Money Policy For the Banking Elite at the Cost of the Working American Citizen. The 12 Federal Reserve banks are all assisting in the economic destruction of the USA. The regional Federal Reserve Banks are privately owned and make up the Federal Reserve system, an evil central bank

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