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Debt to Success System - Page 320 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

12 Banks Bailout is Bad News

The 12 Banks Bailout Reveals Capitalist Hypocrisy. The Rich Will Always Protect the Rich While the Common Man Continues to Struggle to Pay His Bills and Feed His Family.  The 12 Banks Bailout demonstrates the extent of the great economic black out in the United States. It is the result of the never-ending gluttony and

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The 5 Trillion Dollar Bailout is the Whooping Amount of Total U.S. Bailouts

The 5 Trillion Dollar Bailout is an event of concern and trouble not just for the U.S. but also for the entire world. Though the bailout bill proposed by the government of the United states came across as $700 billions of the taxpayer’s money, the new calculated sum of the American bailouts resulted in the

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Is a 2nd American Revolution Possible Today?

Is a 2nd American Revolution in America’s Future? History records that the first American Revolution occurred during 1775 and 1783 ending with America gaining her independence from Great Britain. However, several occurrences in America’s history have often been referred to as the 2nd American Revolution. One reference to a second revolution was the war of

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This is Exactly why Nikola Tesla Told Us oo Study the Non Physical Phenomena

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla If you google “parapsychology,” the first thing that will probably pop up is a Wikipedia entry loosely (and, in my opinion, rather offensively) defining it as a

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CIA Document Confirms Our Reality is a Hologram: Time to Wake Up, Neo!

The simulation hypothesis proposes that our reality, our entire known universe, is an artificial computer-generated simulation. As we further our  understanding of quantum mechanics and game theory, more and more brilliant minds of our time are beginning to gravitate towards this theory. Hologram. Elon Musk describes how a more advanced civilization will have games that are of

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Divide and Conquer Here Again: When Will Americans Learn?

Remember the banking scandals and financial meltdown of 2008? For the first time, the secret manipulations of the “banksters” were blatantly exposed for all to see. In a historic first, people around the world became more focused on exposing the greed and corruption of the elite 1% than on fighting against each other in the

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