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Debt to Success System - Page 321 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

Power to the People! Remember John Lennon

Over the past two weeks, with next to no media coverage, the United States has moved substantially closer toward open military confrontation with both Russia and China, the second- and third-ranked nuclear powers in the world. On October 3, the United States threatened, for the first time since the Cold War, to directly attack the

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The Link Between Vaccination and Eugenics

Eugenics in one form or another has always been a part of human culture, however, it has taken a quantum leap since the 1800’s when it was first codified into science by Francis Galton. The Rockefellers, one of the world’s wealthiest families, have been the largest financial backer of Eugenics and other population control measures. Author Jurriaan

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Terms & Tricks Being Used to Stop Critical Thinking & Limit Human Consciousness

Conspiracy Theorist – This term is so overused that it really is devoid of any practical meaning. If you were to examine it at face value, though, it describes a person who is looking to understand injustices in our world and is willing to look at uncomfortable facts in search of negative influence… of which

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Nazi Convicted Mass Murderers Became Executives for Major U.S. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Companies

It’s been only 70 years since World War II, and the mad scientists from Pharmaceutical companies like I.G. Farben, BASF, Hoechst, Dow, and Bayer, tested dangerous vaccines on innocent Jews, didn’t just go away. In fact, they went to work for U.S. corporations and pharmaceutical companies that run the vaccine industry today. IG Farben was the FDA/CDC

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America's Outrage Culture: How Did We Get Here?

If you haven’t noticed American society is becoming rather unhinged.  The outrage culture in America has reached a boiling point.  When adults can’t even have a conversation without shouting down the opposition or name calling we have a serious problem.  Look at how kids bully each other these days?  They are mimicking the learned behaviors

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New Research Says Depression is Not a Choice, It's a Form of Brain Damage

A study conducted by the ENIGMA MDD Working group has broken many notions of how depression affects the brain. It has been believed for a number of years that brain damage caused or worsened chances of chronic depression. This study provided impressive data that shows that persistent depression causes physiological damage to the brain. This gives everyone

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