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Shocking Salaries of the Health Insurance Monopoly Network

This started out as a facebook post but the longer it became I figured I might as well just turn it into a blog article.  I wanted to share this because people need to know these things.  Not to mention my life’s goal of seeing pharma and the “sick care” system totally collapse. Be the

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Claims of Tortured Children at Virginia Immigration Center

The Netflix documentary, One of Us, released in 2017 exposed what whistleblowers have been saying for years. Just as the Catholic Church maintained, protected, and allowed a pedophile ring of hundreds if not thousands of Catholic priests to rape and abuse children for decades, so too, has the Ultra-orthodox Jewish community in NY been accused of allowing 1 out

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A City in California Stood Up to Tyranny and Blocked 5G technology Cell Tower, Sets Precedent

First, there was 3G, then 4G and now we are heading into the era of 5G technology, while this is said to be an improvement it is also bringing with it harmful ultra-high microwave frequency radiation. People who have raised their voices about the dangers that the technology will bring and who have talked about safety

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All About Adrenochrome

Whether human or animal, the blood sacrifice has long been a part of the rituals of many civilizations. Some blood sacrifices are supposedly performed to gain favor in the eyes of some deity, thus “ensuring” a good harvest, good luck in the coming year or some other BULLSHIT like that. Some are done as punishment to those who have committed “evil” deeds, thus “restoring” the

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Whistleblower: Radio Frequency Weapons Killing and Torturing Americans

The use of hidden directives such as ‘DOD Directive 5240.1-r – Procedure 13 Human Experimentation for Intelligence Purposes’ allows for the testing and evaluation of any technology on any U.S. Person and those foreigners living on U.S. soil. This ‘directive not law’ has been unethically and inhumanly passed from agency to agency and contractor to

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NAMBLA: Every Parent Needs to Read this

Ok, so I’m going to attempt to write about this topic and be able to stop myself from vomiting all over my keyboard in the process.  Some of you may have heard about and done your research on NAMBLA already.  But we can’t ever stop talking about this until this virus is completely eradicated from

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