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Conclusive Evidence Proving The VACCINATED Are Spreading This "Deadly Flu Virus"

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC vaccine advisory group voted back in February of this year to include FluMist in the vaccine line-up for the 2018-19 flu season, returning the vaccine to the US market after a two-season hiatus. After seeing a 2% drop in vaccine sales for flu, the panel brought back the

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Masons & the Military: Stop Worshipping Traitors as Heros

With 9/11 around the corner and all this Nike media garbage,  I felt this would be the perfect time to write this specific blog and talk about the Freemasons (aka masons) in the ranks of the US Military and why people need to know this. There are traitors of the worst kind in top brass

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Liam Neeson Joins Fight for Pope to Confront Truth

Liam Neeson joins fight for Pope to confront truth on his recent visit to Ireland about 800 children dumped in a mass grave by Irish NUNS as star makes film about tragic home for unmarried mothers. As the Pope visits the shrine, crowds of protesters will tell him they want a forensic exhumation of the grisly

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Red Alert: Every The American Needs to Read, this is NOT a Joke!

I saw this interview on my facebook feed and thought it was worthy of blogging about.  Let me start out reminding everyone I am not  Donald Trump supporter.  Nor am I a Donald Trump hater.  This isn’t about support for Trump this is information I believe every American should be made aware of and am

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Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Exposed as a “Targeted Mass Sterilization Program”

As Americans are still taking their kids to their well-child appointments and school sports physicals shooting them up with poisons, I thought it would be a good time to talk about what happened in Kenya. A state-sponsored forced sterilization on a massive scale has allegedly taken place in Africa according to opposition leaders and the public

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Consciousness Survives Physical Death

Where does consciousness originate from?  The psyche – the self – has been a mystery for age.An intensive care doctor and his team have found a way to start answering at least some of the countless questions surrounding the mystery of consciousness. Through their research, Dr. Sam Parnia and his colleagues have confirmed that consciousness

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