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Debt to Success System - Page 324 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

Higher Education One of the Biggest Money-Making Scams in America

We tell all of our young people that if they want to have a bright future, they must go to college. Higher education has been financialized, transformed from a public service into a lucrative cash cow for private investors. This message is relentlessly pounded into their heads for their first 18 years, and so by

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Rethinking Mental Illness: Are We Drugging Our Gifted Healers?

Our current mental health care system hasn’t progressed since the asylum days as much as we’d like to think. Physical straitjackets replaced by chemical ones. We are living in a society where 50 million people are on a psychiatric drug. Not only is that statistic alarming, but America is only about 5% of the entire

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Sex TraffickDetective Published Book Exposing Pedophile Ring that Murdered Children — Found Dead Days Laterers Targeting Women Upon Release from Prison

Nine days after a former police detective published a book exposing a high-level government pedophile ring that murdered children, he was shot in the head. A former police detective and author of a bombshell book that exposed a massive pedophile ring made up of high-level government officials was found shot in the head last week. While officials are calling

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U.S. Government Conducted Bio-Warfare Experiments in San Francisco that Killed US Citizens

In 1950, the U.S. government carried out this attack by spraying the city of San Francisco with the microbe Serratia marcescens in an attack that targeted thousands of innocent civilians. The United States government conducted one of the largest human experiments in history by simulating a chemical attack on thousands of unsuspecting individuals. Discover Magazine reported that

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Why I Refuse to be Bullied Into Caring About John McCain Death

The death of John McCain has caused an uproar on social media that triggered a heated debate over the American values represented by the Republican politician and military veteran. While some commended McCain’s patriotism, others questioned his moral integrity. Here we go again, extremely polarizing EVERYTHING in our society today, why would this be any

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Tesla Knew the Power of CRYSTALS!

“In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being” -Nikola Tesla If you have crystals, you do not need to start treating them as pets or family members. However, when you care for

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