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Veteran Dies in Police Custody - His Family Wants to Know why His Organs are Missing

Everett Palmer Jr. was a United States Army Veteran and a father of two before he died mysteriously in police custody earlier this year. Now, the local coroner is claiming that the cause of death is still undetermined, and Palmer’s family is demanding to know what happened and why several of his organs were taken

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Words are Spells

The first thing you learn when you go to school is how to spell. Words are spells to create a sentence of terms. Think of a jail sentence or a prison term. The Wyrd sisters in Greek mythology were Fates or witches who controlled the fates of man. In our language we use curse words and cursive writing. We cuss and dis-cuss. Words have

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U.S. Health & Human Services NEVER Performed Vaccine Safety Testing as Required by Law

I don’t know how any person in their right mind would still vaccinate themselves or their children after this EXPLOSIVE truth bomb. U.S. Health and Human Services NEVER performed Vaccine Safety testing as required by Law. Big Pharma vaccine safety testing lasts only four or five days. Thanks to the remarkable legal work being done

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Israel Government Still Covering Up Historic Atrocities

In 1948, just prior to the foundation of Israel Government , six Polish Christians were executed without trial in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem by the fledgling country’s Jewish army, the Haganah. An investigative analysis on the killings – dubbed the Riftin Report – was compiled for future Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, but has never been

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The Truth About Pediatric Child Abuse Experts

A common denominator in many of the cases of medical kidnapping cases all across America is the presence of a Pediatric Child Abuse Specialist doctor. There are one too many stories where a parent takes a child to a hospital for one reason or another, only to find themselves accused of child abuse by a

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UK Government Sold 10,000 Children to Child Traffickers

The UK government has admitted it ‘accidentally’ sold at least 10,000 children to known child traffickers in the last year alone. Tens of thousands of children mysteriously disappear from government care every year, where they are groomed by sex traffickers, recently released government data reveals. reports: It comes amid concerns that young people are falling into

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