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Debt to Success System - Page 332 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

Court Rules School Can Use Electric Shock as Punishment for Special Needs Students

You might want to sit down while reading this.  As everyone just got done celebrating the “Independence Day” in America a corrupt judge allows torture to be carried out LEGALLY on children.  First pharma poisons entire generations.  Then instead of being held liable for the damage they cause, they are protected by the government.   I

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YouTube Doctor Prime Example of Medical Professionals' Lack of Knowledge About Vaccines

A popular young Doctor with a youtube following explains his take on vaccines, but it’s really not as simple as he makes it out to be. “To put it simply, a vaccine is the introduction of a virus or part of a virus that allows your body to see it, to get used to it,

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The Story of a Judge who was Poisoned After Ruling Bank Foreclosure is Illegal and all Mortgages are Null and Void

Bank Foreclosure: With the advent of the internet in the eighties and knowledge no longer being restricted to well-controlled sources one of the things that I discovered was the facts about the way money works in this world. We’ve all heard the various sayings about 5% of the world’s population holding 95% of the world’s

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IDF Brutalizing Palestinians & Using it as Advertisements to Sell Their New Weapons

I don’t think there is any low Israel will not sink to.  The IDF and Israeli government is engaging in some of the worst human rights abuses in history. RT Moscow: Human rights campaigners claim that the Israeli army and defense corporations exploit the deadly Gaza protests to test and advertise hardware like drones, sniper

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How Solar Flares Directly Affect Human Consciousness

Everything within this dense configuration of reality that we call the Universe is interconnected. Through this interconnectedness, everything affects everything else.  From the dawn of human spiritual experiences to present-day scientific discoveries, the reality of oneness and interconnectedness has continued to permeate as a recurring aspect of existence within the vastness of what we refer

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Masons & the Military: Stop Worshipping Traitors as Heros

I think this is the first time I’ve used a click-baiting title without even mentioning the topic.  Yes,  it’s a controversial one but nonetheless, we need to talk about the damage circumcising baby boys is actually doing to our society. Remember not to blame yourself if you didn’t know.  Infant boy genital mutilation wires the

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