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Debt to Success System - Page 336 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

The Story of Marvin Siegel: What Every American Needs to Know

Retired lawyer Marvin Siegel of Boxford, Massachusetts, has lived an isolated and heavily-medicated existence, against his will and wishes, after court proceedings in August in 2011 resulted in his being placed under a court-appointed guardianship and conservatorship that his family considers to be unlawful.  His meticulous estate planning has been eviscerated, and millions of dollars

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#OpExposeCPS #OpExposeBigPharma: Mother Forced Into Giving Child in Remission Chemotherapy

A Colorado mother says she was only trying to help her young son battle cancer. Now she says a doctor turned her into the state because she is refusing chemotherapy treatments for her child, and is instead using a product related to marijuana. A petition on calls on the governor, the Colorado Springs police,

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In the foreword to the book by Doctor Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bistrianyk entitled ‘Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History,’ Dr. Jayne L. M. Donegan sums up the vaccine ‘landscape’ that she and all MDs enter into as they become doctors: Despite questioning the safety and efficacity of vaccination by reputable medical men since its

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Ancient Paintings: Evidence of Alien Astronauts?

History has proven to be a great teacher for the human race, we have seen that our ancestors were extremely intelligent, with amazing knowledge on subjects such as astronomy, geometry, mathematics and other important sciences but they were amazing artists as well. From the construction of the great Pyramids of Giza to paintings in the

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Turns Out Neanderthals were SmarteTurns Out Neanderthals were Smarter than You ThoughtTurns Out Neanderthals were Smarter than You Thoughtr than You Thought

Scientists want to grow mini Neanderthal brains in order to figure how the –brains– of ancient people differ from our own. This ‘unorthodox’ science project is being carried out by scientists at the Max Plank Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. Scientists from the Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology have greatly contributed to the sequencing of the genomes of ancient human species.

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Why Did why Nikola Tesla Tell the World to Study Non-Physical Phenomena?

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”  -Nikola Tesla I think we are finally making sense of that now.  Well not everyone yet, but a lot of people are experiencing paranormal phenomena, and regardless of what mainstream

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