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Debt to Success System - Page 52 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

Practices in Mental Health Being Driven to Sell Pharmaceutical Drugs to the World. Practices in mental health have gotten away from what it really should be which is a way to release emotion. We are seeing a pill made for everything now and it would not be necessary if we took better care of ourselves,

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Pollution Free Energy Sources Are Concealed by the Elite to Keep People Enslaved to Oil Paradigm. Pollution free energy is something that the world is ready for, as global warming has taken a turn for the worse and the planet is in peril like never before. The damage that has been done to the planet

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Problems With The European Union Are Plentiful. No matter where in the world you go, when you create a union type of environment you are going to run into problems. When you open borders, it does not only let the positive aspects of society free travel, but also it allows for the negatives in society

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Looking at the Positive Leadership Qualities of Today. Not so long ago, even as recent as the 1950s, the qualities of a good leader were simply defined as being a person of honor, integrity, and a good understanding of those who were being lead. This has changed dramatically in the past few years, though the

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Politics and the War on Drugs Takes its Toll on Blacks. Politics and the war on drugs are a match in the U.S. that has disproportionately landed poor African Americans in prison. The racist relation between drugs and politics is noting new. In the early 1900’s, newspapers ran stories on how cocaine was turning southern

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There is Political Corruption Throughout the World. Political corruption throughout the world is manifest in corporate interest and is the most prevalent means to attain power and wealth, utilizing government and law as its partners in crime.  The current economic crisis effecting the world today is a direct result of corporate power using deceit, manipulation,

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