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Debt to Success System - Page 54 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

The Powerful Secret Societies Have Some of the Most Powerful and Dangerous Men as Members.  Powerful secret societies have been a part of the world throughout time, and they have been warned against since the days of the Bible, when secrecy was warned against and it was stated anything that could be said in private

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Predicts Economic Depression, Impossible to Stop. Economy experts and doomsayers are having a field day with the current state of the world’s economy. Nearly all of them predicts economic depression and or the end of the world as we know it, by 2010, if something isn’t done soon. The deficit is reaching trillions of dollars. 

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The Presidency of the European Union is Not What Americans Commonly View as a Presidency. The European Union is governed by a council made up of the governments of the countries which hold membership. The presidency of the European Union is the operation of this council, and this rotates between the member countries twice a

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The Crumbling Principles of Constitutional Democracy Herald the End of Democracy in America. What are the principles of constitutional democracy, and are they currently being upheld by the United States government? The Constitution was written by the founders of America to protect the inherent rights of the people by limiting the power of the government.

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With Prior Knowledge of September 11, The Bush Regime Had Its Own Reichstag Fire to Help Usher in Draconian Legislation Like The Patriot Act. The September 11 attacks on New York City, the Pentagon, and the subsequent crash of the hijacked flight in PA shocked and horrified the world.  For many Americans the attacks, and

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The Private Health Care Online Can be Used as an Informative Portal to Understand the Medical Agendas and Contrivances of the State. The methods of private health care online is nothing different from the health care we get in hospitals because it also guides us to the ways of health care that the government has

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