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Debt to Success System - Page 55 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

Private Security Companies in Africa Have Been a Part of the National Scene Since the 1970s. Private security forces have been in use for many, many years.  The British hired German soldiers during the American Revolution; the Pinkerton Detective agency was used in order to provide security for trains through hostile territory and later on

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Privatization of Public Services Ultimately Causes More Burden on Consumers. Privatization of public services ultimately causes increased financial burden on consumers in more ways than one.  Recent trends in privatization of petroleum companies have given rise to an increase in ownership by foreign investors and management making decisions to redirect investment spending to overseas markets

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Problems With American Education Stem From Corporate Brainwashing of Students. Schools Are Delivering Exactly What is Desired by NWO Planners, a Stupid Nation!  Problems with American education were anticipated by our founding fathers, who believed that our freedom and success as a country depended on having well-educated citizens. They did not believe the federal government

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Problems in American Education Are Serious. The NWO Elites Have Corrupted the Curriculum of Our Schools and Now Children Are Being Conditioned to be Slaves. Unfortunately, the problems in American education run deep. In 2001, UNICEF produced their first comprehensive study of the education systems of the twenty-four richest countries on the world. We have

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Problems in the American Education System Cost the Taxpayers More Money. We Are Paying for Our Own Dumbing-Down; Our Children Are Becoming Labor Drones. Problems in the American education system are profound and numerous. Overcrowding in the classroom, the general tenor of disrespect toward teachers, and play-ground violence are but the tip of the iceberg.

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Project Drone Has Really Gained Momentum Thanks to the Gulf War.  Big brother has always been watching from the satellites ever since the first one was launched via cameras.  Over the years technology in the satellites have improved and more capabilities have been added to make them better espionage devices.  One area where satellites have

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