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Debt to Success System - Page 56 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

Practicing Overpopulation Control Has Proven to Have Disastrous Effects on Countries. Eugenics is Racism in Disguise. The elite would have you believe the only way in which you can save the world is to get every country to practice some sort of overpopulation control. They have been working for years under the pseudoscience of eugenics

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All of us Have Personal Codes of Ethics Developed With The Help of The Influences in Our Lives. Ethics are a funny thing, because they differ from person to person in the world, nobody hold a code of ethics which is exactly the same as another persons. While each person’s ethical code is different than

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Phone Radiation Risks Explained. Although phone radiation is a serious issue, it is not the only reason to avoid a cell phone. The biggest danger in owning a cell phone may be that you privacy is compromised more than your health and the federal government and other agencies know exactly where you are. Not only

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Interesting Reasons Why Parents Are Starting to Homeschool. Do you know what the most common accusation directed at homeschooling parents is?  Most people opposed to homeschooling point out that it removes children from an appropriate amount of social opportunity and activity.  Do you know what the most common reason for removing children from the public

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The Owners of the Federal Reserve Are Private Bankers Who Have Taken Control of the U.S. Currency, and by Default, the Economic Future of All Americans. The Federal Reserve isn’t so federal after all. In fact, the owners of the Federal Reserve are a group of twelve private banks located in major cities throughout the

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New PC Satellite TV; Hundreds of Entertaining Channels to Distract From America’s faltering Constitution. PC satellite TV offers approximately 3000 channels from around the world, stations that offer movies, sports, news, weather, education and radio amongst many others. The entertainment options that come with having satellite TV on your PC are so numerous that it

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