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Debt to Success System - Page 57 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

America is Owned and Controlled by the Bankers, they Own the Media, the Government, the Military and You. The banking cabal has owned and controlled America completely since the Kennedy administration. Kennedy was the last President to stand against their tyranny and refuse orders to implement an operation than would have seen thousands of Americans

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Overpopulation Truth: How to Find It.  When considering overpopulation truth, there are some who will insist on tossing the blame all the way back to the early men, or at least back a few centuries to the establishment of large cities. Others looking for the truth on this issue focus more on what the real

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Ownership of the Federal Reserve Establishes Monopolized Control of the United States Monetary System by an Elite Group of Illuminati Banking Families. Ownership of the Federal Reserve was established through the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. It gave control and management of the nation’s currency to a select group of wealthy independent banking elite. The

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Why is the Overpopulation Myth Being Supported by the Media, the United Nations, and The People who Believe Them? Many scientists and researchers have come to the conclusion that overpopulation is not a fact but rather a theory based on relative perspective, rather than on any set standard or concrete fact.  The way for one

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Know That Paganism And Supreme Court System Are Linked.  Most people think that the Supreme Court is based in Christianity but it is actually not. Paganism and Supreme Court are tied together. Paganism is apparent in everything about the Supreme Court including the Supreme Court building. The court system is not based on Christian models.

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Passive RFID Chip Usage is Prevalent in Society. RFID technology is common in America today and the use of this technology is becoming more and more common in the United States. RFID chips are Radio Frequency Identification chips, and are implanted in animals, and less often humans, as well as being used in manufactured goods.

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