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Debt to Success System - Page 59 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

Pfizer Pharmaceutical: Unparalleled Bribery and Corruption? Pfizer Pharmaceutical is chief among the pharmaceutical companies in corrupt practices. As is known by many, but talked about by few, pharmaceutical industries harm patients by pushing drugs that are known to be a danger, bribing doctors to sell these drugs, and participating in otherwise corrupt business practices. By

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Pharmaceutical Industry Analysis Reveals The Most Corrupt Industry in America. It would take years to conduct a thorough and comprehensive pharmaceutical industry analysis on the companies operating in America today. However, it does not take all that much to look up a few of the major pharmaceutical companies to see what kind of hot water

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The Pharmaceuticals Business is Responsible for a Rash Of Deaths in This Country; U.S. Citizens Guinea Pigs. The pharmaceuticals business has become a living, breathing monster in recent years. Drug companies spend millions upon millions of dollars to market the latest development drug, all so they can rake it back in when a patient goes

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What are the Philosophical Foundations of American Education? Philosophical Foundations of American Education Ensure Every American the Right to Learn.  The philosophical foundations of American education are based on providing affordable education to all American citizens.  Equal access to knowledge through education provides basic American rights, among them the right to learn and the right

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Details on American Phone Wiretapping. Warrantless phone wiretapping was one of the many unconstitutional and illegal acts that the Bush Administration authorized after the White House had been asleep at the wheel and allowed the worst attack on American soil to occur a month after they received a memo stating the Osama bin Laden was

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Passive RFID Can be Tracked Well Past Its Intended Use.  Passive RFID tags are often used in tracking merchandise, meaning that you likely have a tag in items of clothing, and every time you put on those items, you transmit information. Passive tags have the ability to store information for a long time, so well

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