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Debt to Success System - Page 60 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

Police Camera Surveillance Takes Away the Privacy Rights of American Citizens as Outlined in the United States Constitution.  Police camera surveillance can now be found all across the United States as well as in many other countries such as Canada and the UK.  Even small towns are finding funding for surveillance cameras with the certain

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The Media Use Psychology to Brainwash People. The criminal banking mafia is a group of corrupt entities that are looking to do damage to the masses and achieve world domination. They use psychology to brainwash people so they can reach their goals. For the banking mafia to see their goals through they have put several

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Weapons of Destruction are Utilized for Destructive Purposes by America as it Attempts at Establishing a One Government Rule Throughout the World. So much for preservation of liberty and freedom and justice for all! So much for the Constitution of the United States and its founding fathers, all the lives that were lost in fighting

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Possibilities for a Victim of Discrimination to act Using Laws, Counter-measures and More. As a victim of discrimination in the United States, there are a number of laws in existence which can be invoked for stopping the discrimination and obtaining compensation for hardship that was undergone. One of the best known of these is the

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Members of Yales Skull and Bones Society Have Taken Secret Oaths to Build an Elite, Totalitarian New World Order. Many U.S. Presidents Are the Dark Bonesmen. Yales Skull and Bones society is where members of the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission come from. Inside secret societies, such as Skull and Bones, the elite

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The War on Drugs Budget Doesn’t Factor in Social Costs for America. The war on drugs budget shrunk during the George H. W. Bush Administration. This was due to sleight of hand in bookkeeping. Jail costs were taken out of the equation as well as the budgets of indirectly related institutions such as the Department

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