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Debt to Success System - Page 61 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

Voice Verification and the End of Privacy. Biometrics is a system where different technological advances are used for two purposes, identification and verification and has significantly more used in the United States over the last few years since the September 11 attacks. Security in airports and buildings has been of the utmost importance to the

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Is Waterboarding Death Justified or is it Just an Excuse to Control us? The U.S. legal system ensures that everything is completely fair and that everyone is entitles to a fair trial. That’s all well and good in America however it’s not happening in our secret jails that are located all over the world. Waterboarding

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The Wars of Liberation that we Fight are False, the War on Terror and the War on Drugs are Both Fabricated to Suit an Elitist Agenda. The wars of liberation that have plagued America since 9/11 have eaten away at the freedoms of every man, woman and child on our continent. These fabricated wars have

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The War on Terrorism and the Military Work Together To Achieve the Elitist Agenda. The war on terrorism and the military have both been tools of an oppressive tyrannical elitist plot to seize control of America, and eventually the world. There have been many cases of corruption in the military that have leaked online or

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How Popular Video Motion Detection Surveillance can be Used Against You; Sharp Declines in Prices Have Placed This Technology Well Within Reach of Americans. Video motion detection surveillance was once an extremely expensive endeavor, and only top companies could afford to install these systems. However, advances in technology and a sharp reduction in costs have

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Video Surveillance Laws Allow Immunity to the Telecommunications Industry. Video surveillance laws are under the Amendment Act of 2008 and allow the telecommunications industry immunity in supplying data to the government. The amendment gives the NSA more power to look for patterns that suggest terrorist activity or intent from data that is observed from the

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