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Debt to Success System - Page 62 of 368 - Restoring America's Freedom

US Satellite TV is Used to Trick Americans Into Believing in the Global Elite Agenda. Misdirection Are the Tool of Those Who Seek Population Domination. We have been taught that we live in a free country where the will of the people is respected and democracy is the law of the land. The social mechanisms

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U.S. Central Bank News Claims to Report on the Actions of the Federal Reserve. However, the Real Facts About the Fed’s Criminal Agenda Are Carefully Hidden From Us. U.S. central bank news has changed its focus from central banking to the global economy. Most of the news that comes from the United States Federal Reserve

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Creation of Tenure Makes it Virtually Impossible to Wrest American From Stranglehold of Utopian Idealists. Without tenure, the ivory tower elites would have been thrown out the moment their students were unable to learn properly. In fact, the entire tenure system makes a mockery of all the money taxpayers sink into the education system in

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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA Lies go Way Back Including the 911 Coverup. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA has a history of not playing above board. Lie and lie seems to erupt from their mouths whether it’s related to 911 or the corruption of our food chain. The EPA was quick to downplay

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US EPA Fraud is a Cornerstone in the Banking Elite Scheme to Bilk Hundreds of Millions of Dollars From the American People. The Elites Just Smile and Say Thank You. America is seen as a wonderful country where we benefit from of freedoms. Many foreigners dream of being American because they will be given these

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U.S. Espionage and Intelligence is Now Being Outsourced to Private Contractors. U.S. espionage and intelligence involves gathering information that is considered to be confidential and sensitive to the American government. For the most part espionage operations are covert and one government intelligence agency may not know what the other is doing. Throughout American history, intelligence

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