![Rampant Mobile Phone Use Causing Brain Tumors to Skyrocket](https://www.dtss.us/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Radiation-of-Cellphones-causes-Brain-Cancer.jpg)
Rampant Mobile Phone Use Causing Brain Tumors to Skyrocket
New research highlights the potential dangers of increased mobile phone use. Cellphones have become everywhere in Western societies, and now evidence suggests that they could be behind the dramatic rise in a rare type of brain tumors.
Experts say that cases of a malignant brain tumor known as Glioblastoma Multiforme (or GBM) have doubled since 1995. GBM is an aggressive and often fatal type of cancer, and used to be far less common than it is today — now there are nearly 3,000 cases of GBM in England alone.
Scientists from Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment (PHIRE) have analyzed 79,241 malignant brain tumors over the last 21 years in order to come to this estimation. Speaking about their findings, Professor Denis Henshaw commented,
“Our findings illustrate the need to look more carefully at, and to try and explain the mechanisms behind, these cancer trends, instead of brushing the causal factors under the carpet and focusing only on cures.”
Robert Tufel, Director of Patient Services at the National Brain Tumor Foundation says:
“What we do know is that brain tumor incidence is on the rise and some of the research about cell phones and brain tumors has given us cause for concern.”
In 2014, one study reportedly found that cellphone use was contributing to a three-fold increase in cancers of the brain.
Research by Om Gandhi, professor of electrical engineering at the University of Utah, has shown that young children absorb up to 50% more radiation in their brains than adults when they use mobile phones. Radiation penetrates 30% for a 10-year-old, compared with just a small area around the ear in an adult. Absorption rates are greater in children because their ears and skulls are smaller and thinner. Furthermore, their total lifetime exposure to cell phone radiation will be greater than for those who began using cell phones as adults.
The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has even declared that cell phone radiation is a “probable human carcinogen,” yet many mainstream health organizations and trendy scientists are denying the very real potential of cellphone-induced disease.
Biologist Roger Coghill believes that cell phone radiation may damage the ability of white blood cells to fight off infection and disease, including cancer. Coghill took white blood cells from a donor, kept them alive with nutrients and found that after seven-and-a-half hours, only 13% of the cells exposed to cell phone radiation remained intact and able to function.
DNA Damage
Dr. Henry Lai and Dr. Singh at Washington State University reported DNA single and double strand breaks in rat-brain tissue after exposure to radiation levels below the current Federal Communications Commission (FCC) standard for cell phones for only two hours. Other research by this group showed that brains prepared four hours after exposure had much higher levels of DNA breakage than samples taken immediately after exposure. Therefore, DNA damage from repeated use of a cell phone could be cumulative.
Toxins Leak Into The Brain
In 1994, scientists at Sweden’s Lund University found that two minutes of exposure to emissions from mobile phones can break down the blood-brain barrier in rats. This causes proteins and toxins to leak into the brain, which can increase the chances of developing diseases such as Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s.
Cell Death In The Brain
According to Lund researcher Bertil Persson, cell changes and cell death in the brain are clearly visible under a microscope after exposure to radiation from mobile telephones.
Dr. George Carlo, chairman of Wireless Technology Research LLC, studies showed that thhttp://Wireless Technologye rate of brain cancer deaths was higher among hand-held mobile users than those using non-handhelds. The risk of rare tumors on the outside of the brain was more than doubled among cell phone users than non-users and there was a correlation between the occurrence of brain tumors on the right side of the head and use of phones on the right side of the head.
Many With Vested Interest Deny The Link
Dr. Carlo said segments of the industry had
“Repeatedly and falsely claimed that wireless phones are safe for all consumers, including children, and have created an illusion of responsible follow-up by calling for and supporting more research”.
Of course, those who stand to lose a lot of money can pay scientists and doctors to lie and claim there is no danger. We simply cannot trust industry science. It’s like the police investigating themselves, we all know how that works out.
Andrew Sharrocks, professor of molecular biology at the University of Manchester, reportedly commented that there is “zero evidence” that cell phones cause brain cancer — even though several studies (including the 2018 rat study) show that the potential is, in fact, there.
Moreover, as Henshaw contended, the focus on cancer “cures” is not helping anyone — greater focus on cancer prevention is absolutely needed. But prevention doesn’t make money for the greedy pharma and medical industries, now does it? Cancer is a booming industry.