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Schools Replacing wireless WiFi with Wired Internet Due to Confirmed Illnesses and Increased Health Risks

Schools Replacing wireless WiFi with Wired Internet Due to Confirmed Illnesses and Increased Health Risks

No “safe” level of cell phone and wireless WiFi radiation exposure has been scientifically determined for children or pregnant women Despite this, many millions of American taxpayer dollars have been spent making public schools “high tech” while tech inventors have been limiting their own kids’ use and sending them to private “low tech” schools.

If your children are having any type of behavioral, emotional, mental or physical health issues, lab testing may determine if some or all of this is because of “Microwave Sickness” aka “ElectroSensitivity” (ES).  There are so many symptoms that this it’s often misdiagnosed.

Exposure can also worsen pre-existing conditions even if it didn’t cause them.

Wireless routers – as well as Bluetooth and similar wireless systems – give off electromagnetic radiation in the low-gigahertz frequency. This level is considered potentially dangerous to people. And the danger is compounded by several factors:

  • Just like the wireless signals themselves, the EMFs can pass through walls.
  • Most routers are not turned off at night, so you are exposed 24/7.
  • You are not only exposed to EMFs from your own router. Did you ever search for a wireless signal and see not only your wireless network, but also your neighbor’s and the one from the business down the street? All of them emit EMFs.

In 2011, The World Health Organization classified all sources of wireless WiFi radiation as a Possible Carcinogen.  Many scientists believe it should be classified as a Carcinogen. In addition to cancer risk, 2012 research confirmed that all sources of wireless WiFi radiation disrupt the blood-brain barrier which can cause it to leak. A recent survey also determined that 45% of American teens are struggling with “Digital Addiction.”  Research has also determined that exposure to WiFi can also play a role in this.

Here’s a video of a WiFi router in a school being measured with an RF meter.  Schools usually install multiple routers to provide WiFi to students and staff.

Telecom companies are also encouraging more tech use in and out of classrooms by providing “Smart” phones and tablets to students and installing WiFi on school buses as well as public buses.

Are you sure you want this for you and your kids?

For more information, contact the following websites:

Also, check out this website for parents and teachers seeking WiFi-Free schools.

I highly suggest a heavy metals detox in addition to protecting yourself from harmful EMF radiation.  Heavy metal toxins in your body can make EMF radiation worse and make you very sick and fatigued.


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