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Take Responsibility

Take Responsibility

I’m tired.  Really tired.  I bet most of you all are too.  Look at the state of the world, the state of the human race, and the state of American society.  It’s maddening.  It’s saddening.  It’s exhausting. Every day I see numerous social media posts with people slurring insults at one another in what seems to me the pettiest of reasons. Taking responsibility for your actions is an important part of healthy relationships.

I see people arguing STILL over who’s fault the mess we’re in is, the liberals or conservatives. It’s mind-blowing to me that there are STILL so many people playing into the two party paradigm.  Unable to swallow their own pride and at least look into the possibility they aren’t getting the full story.  

You’ve got people worshipping the ground Trump walks on, literally claiming he was, “Chosen by God,” then you’ve got people demanding his impeachment who believe he is literally worse than Hitler.  Do you want to see what radical extremists look like? You don’t need to take a trip to the middle east for that.  Look no further than your fellow Americans.  

People know they are getting screwed but are so programmed that instead of fighting for real freedom end up arguing with their fellow Americans they deem “on the opposite political spectrum,” as if both parties are not controlled by international bankers and wealthy elites.  “Nazi” “Liberal Snowflake,” & “Racist” get used in everyday conversations at such an insane rate it makes my head spin.  

The left is demanding free healthcare and putting it under one payor, the government, and the right is defending crony capitalism because they’re so worried about communism they don’t realize that’s what crony capitalism is.  The illusion of a free market.  BOTH are DOOM and still leave the same criminal parasites in control.  

Until people grasp the truth about the banking system they will continue to be sheep led to slaughter.  It’s one of those things you just want to scream about.  Explain it so they understand and will awaken to the fact they’re being divided and conquered by social engineering.  The problem with that is that this is something that cannot be explained in 140 characters or less and we all know Americans don’t have time to read something longer than that.  Nor do they want to.  

Especially not when it’s Monday Night Football. So for simply trying to awaken some people to the truth about our chattel slavery, they will shut you down, go back to making it about Trump or Hilary, the left or right, how this or that is Obama’s fault, blah blah blah.  Which equals NO change and NO progress.  

It’s gotten to the point you’ll have to become a recluse because you can’t stand to hear small talk and listen to the political divide while they remain ignorant to the cause of their suffering.  It will make you want to pull your hair out and SCREAAMMMMM!  

Over one hundred years ago, a demonic cabal turned America into an insane plutocratic dictatorship and turned Americans into insane self-destructive zombies. None of us escapes this fate.  So when someone wakes up to this truth and goes to wake others up, they will be met with hostility and extreme cognitive dissonance.  

We must recognize and acknowledge when we commit acts of self-destruction:

  • Participating in wars that we know are only for the purpose of making huge profits for the capitalist plutocrats and “using up” worthless “cannon-fodder” soldiers
  • Failing to inform ourselves as to what our present reality is
  • Voting for persons we know are dedicated to destroying us

In America, we are constantly told how we have the most freedom.  That we’re the greatest country on earth.  Should you dare criticize the America people think they live in, you’ll end up the black sheep. I don’t how many times I’ve been told, “if you don’t like it here then leave.”  That’s how small minded and how aggressive sleeping zombies will defend their political masters.  

When you tell unaware slaves they have no rights and are owned by the banking cartel it is too much for some.  Their belief systems crashing down all around them may be too much psychologically.  Even when in the same conversation you give them information to free themselves from this same system.

It reminds me of the movie Shawshank Redemption.  When Brooks is freed from prison after being there for fifty years, he doesn’t know how to handle freedom and kills himself.  

Where Do We Go From Here?

Until enough people break out of their programming progress will be slow.  We first must unplug ourselves from the social engineering programs called politics and religion.  We must use logic.  We must understand how the system works in order to topple it.  We have got to stop trusting the guys in white lab coats and other professionals deemed “experts.”  

We can no longer outsource our thinking and decision making if we want to be a free people.  Truly free.  It might be time-consuming to do things like reading every ingredient on things you feed your kids or products you buy for them, but that’s exactly what has to happen.  Maybe instead of soccer or football practice five times week we teach our kids to grow an organic garden and the importance of nutrition.  Tell them the truth that college does not guarantee a  job with a good income and is geared toward corporate slave training, which keeps you locked into the same system we are trying to change. 

People have got to re-educate themselves.  This education has to come from within.  No institution can provide a certificate of completion for self-awareness and soul-searching.  There is no accreditation for this education.  When your soul can no longer stand it, that’s when you get involved and take action.  My soul woke me up three years ago and I haven’t stopped since.  

So while we may have been lied to and manipulated into a society of ignorance, once you’re conscious of this manipulation it’s no longer ignorance if you choose to continue on and participate in the dysfunction of society.  It’s stupidity.  Ignorance isn’t your fault, stupidity is though.  

By ignoring these massive issues we face we are telling the next generation, “sorry we destroyed the planet and let our rulers get so out of control that you won’t ever understand what Freedom really is.”  I REFUSE to tell my daughter that.  So get up, brush yourself off, turn off the TV,  and start owning your life and your role on this planet.  

1 Comment on - Take Responsibility

  • Donnie December 25, 2017 Reply

    I have been knowing these obvious facts about this illegal and corrupt government for many years. I have thought about denouncing my citezenship, seriously, in the past. What right does this lazy, corrupt, and worthless government have passing laws that make it legal to steal from people? Excellent point made by the writing in your statement of facts. I will be involved in this movement. I am committed to freedom and God given rights. I look forward to getting steps completed. Thank you, Sincerely,
    Donnie Kopiasz

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