Tax Free Tobacco Gone
Tax Free Tobacco has Vanished Like all the Other Rights of Smokers.
Tax free tobacco is never going to happen again, at least in our lifetime.
From the 1970’s on smokers slowly lost their rights, until smoker’s actually had their civil rights stripped away.
Today’s smokers are treated like second hand citizens.
The irony is for the amount of taxes they pay they should be getting a thank you note from each and every one of us.
You might be surprised to learn the anti smoking campaign has nothing to do with the public health of smokers, reducing teen smoking, or the abuse of tobacco.
It does have a lot to do with control and money.That really shouldn’t surprise you.
It seems everything the government and the banking mafia put their hands in has something to do with money.
The government has launched several no smoking ad campaigns that are the equivalent to extortion both at the federal and state levels.
There might not be tax free tobacco but the smoking industry is a lucrative industry with money flowing in every direction.
The Propoganda of Money
The governments health propaganda campaign against the tobacco industry is really little more than government extortion.
The government, the insurance industry, lawyers, and health care professionals alike are all enjoying a bit of the money tree that has occurred thanks to the government propaganda.
The government is able to take more of your money using the fear tactics they always rely on.
They certainly don’t have trouble lying to you in order to get higher taxes, create higher insurance premiums in the industry, guarantee higher medical fees, and even create huge legal fees.
Never forget it is money, which is the fundamental issue. The banking mafia and the companies and industries they are associated with are making huge profits.
If you took the money out of the mix, it wouldn’t be long before the government and the banking mafia abandoned the entire project.
Government Control
We’ll never see tax free tobacco again. Not because it couldn’t be but because the government now has the control to never remove the taxes.
It seems when we gave up being responsible for our own actions we also handed over control of our lives to the power hungry money mafia.
By the way controlling tobacco is not a new idea. The Nazi Party under the orders of Hitler began running anti tobacco campaigns back in 1945, limiting tobaccos use and where it could be used.
It was not allowed in public buildings, the theater, hospitals, and many other places. We should mention the taxes they could collect were a great way to sustain the war.
If it sounds much like what’s occurring today, that’s because it is. The government is happy to become your savior and save you from yourself.
Of course they thought they could use an extra hand so they created the EPA, which increased control in private lives.
Totalitarian America
Hitler knew in order to have a true totalitarian regime he had to get control of the children.
First he took them and educated them to be racist, and that it was okay to torture those that believed differently.
It didn’t take long for the youth to begin to turn on their parents. Today the focus is still children based on Nazi platform.
The American government is filling the minds of our children with distorted reality including teaching our kids that smoking is child abuse.
The government has set the stage so that smoking can be used against parents by the government, in custody battles, and the list goes on. Totalitarian America is well on its way.
It seems tax free tobacco is the thing of the past. The government is definitely going to keep its hand in the cookie jar and enjoy those high taxes, not to mention the new level of control.