The Bailout Loan is for the Rich
The Bailout Loan System is Designed to Help Usher in the New World Order.
Receiving a government bailout loan is becoming too much of a crutch in American society today, and this is just the way the criminal bankers at the Federal Reserve want it.
What happened to Americans standing on their own and working hard for what they want and need in life?
The people who are really in control of our money are going to keep the economy dependent upon national debt until we stand up and control is taken out of the Federal Reserve and placed in the hands of the American people.
The Federal Reserve is a privately owned for profit organization run by the wealthiest people on earth. Their one world government agenda will be the end of America.
When will the American people speak out and even more importantly when will the government listen to its people and stand firm on the Constitution?
There is nothing to support the idea that government intervention is a good thing for America in terms of big business.
Obama was moving so fast with his policies, loans, and pretend change, that the American people have no time to think about what is really happening.
Using bullying methods and fear to make laws and thrust the United States deeper in debt is what the Feds need to move toward the next great depression.
Was a bailout loan what the people of America had in mind when they voted for change or was the 2008 election just a smoke screen for something bigger yet to come?
Coalition of the Willing
The bailout loan is going to businesses whose highest ranking members are also members of the Council on Foreign Relations.
This is leaving many to wonder just who the coalition of the willing in the United States is.
The criminal banking cartel is utilizing fear and threats just as always to have their way with the American economy just as they have done before.
The loans for the bailout are made for the rich and most Americans who are not making at least $30 per hour will not see a dime.
It is only the rich who are getting the bailouts meanwhile the single mom who loses her job cannot get any help unless she is in foreclosure.
There is not enough being done to help people who are in real need and we are being taken over by a government that is big on control and limiting the progress of the American people.
What many do not understand, however, is that this government is being controlled as well.
The banking elite, who own the Federal Reserve, also own Obama as they have most President’s before him.
They buy Presidential puppets who will move forward their agenda of the New World Order.
We Deserve the Truth
The American people deserve to know the truth behind the bailout plans and where every dime is going. We should also have the right to vote on what the government is going to spend that money on.
As of right now there are fish who are benefiting more from the bailout than American citizens.
Most Americans are not aware of this and they take what the government says as the honest truth without looking deeper and really seeing who the people are behind the government.
The bailout loan is being used to help the auto industry, but they are helping the criminal bankers in charge of the Federal Reserve.
They are the ones who are printing the worthless cash and then charging interest on it. Check out the DTSS U.S. review on money creation to learn more.