The CIA Runs Delta Force Black Ops
The CIA Controls Delta Force Black Ops Around the World.
Delta Force black ops undermine American freedoms.
They contribute to a corrupt government operating out of its people’s sight and control.
The CIA can send in these special forces to do their dirty work.
Along with the other crimes supposedly committed in the name of freedom by the CIA, assassination, wiretapping and espionage are unfortunately common black ops.
By going on covert killing sprees and participating global trafficking in heroin and cocaine, the CIA follows the orders of their New World Order-planning leaders.
Delta Force is a secret military unit that is deployed by the CIA whenever needed.
Black or covert operations are activities by the U.S. military, intelligence, or certain political entities that are carried out so that the real U.S. government sponsors are kept confidential.
The black operation itself may be known by the public or even the enemy, but who instigated it is never revealed.
To accomplish one of their dirty deeds, the CIA can send in Delta Force or ground agents.
They may be used to set a plan in motion to create conflict or to inflict pain or confusion.
Delta Force black ops do whatever their bosses dictate in the name of liberty.
Unfortunately, American liberties are grossly violated by the actions of the CIA and other governmental vested interests.
The United States and the world in general are increasingly at the mercy of whatever is dictated by the international bankers with their big plans for a New World Order.
This plot includes a one-world government where they are in control of global finances.
Delta Force Black Ops One World Order Plan
When the U.S. military takes part in black ops they are forwarding a hidden government control agenda that has no Constitutional basis to support it. In essence, covert operations are just terrorism by another name.
Isn’t this Orwellian? A title of any action as ‘covert’ insinuates unethical and illegal actions, and yet isn’t the United States supposed to be opposed to just that?
You have to wonder what results these covert actions bring. The CIA was working in Afghanistan for a long time prior to the attacks on 9/11.
When this huge disaster was reported, perhaps some Americans were happy that U.S. intelligence was so “on the ball”.
Unfortunately, few questioned what exactly those CIA agents and Special Forces were doing in Afghanistan in the first place.
You have to learn to read between the lines in many cases. Since these actions are clandestine, obviously accurate information about this is unlikely to be in common circulation.
Fortunately, you can research much on the Internet and read the stories told by those who used to be involved in such operations that have come forward, despite the danger to their own lives in doing so. One such example is Gene “Chip” Tatum.
With Washington insiders such as former Presidents George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and even Bill Clinton involved with covert operations, Americans can have reasonable cause for concern that so many more could be implicated in crimes of significant magnitude against the world’s populations.
Letting the Truth be Known
The CIA and other intelligence organizations within the government are not to be trusted.
Their covert black ops are just another name for terrorism. This travesty must cease. America must get honest.
Its people must uphold the U.S. Constitution first and foremost. They must be true to themselves and true to the goals of America’s forefathers.
This is not just something nice to do; it is imperative if you value your freedom! Your children and their children depend on you doing what is right to end this perversion of governmental power.
Delta Force black ops cannot be covert when everyone knows about them. This hidden government cannot remain hidden when its secrets are revealed.
Stand up and make your voice heard. Let everyone know that Americans will not tolerate their government committing actions that violate common law and sense.
They will not tolerate murder or mayhem perpetrated in the name of America.