The Consolidation of the American Media
Consolidation of the American Media Delivered Major Consequences for the Destruction of Our Constitution and the Freedom and Rights of the People of America.
Consolidation of the American media has major consequences that many people may not even realize because to stay informed, the average person relies on reading newspapers and watching the evening news.
They don’t realize the truth about what they’re seeing.
But just how much of what is in the headlines is true, and how much of it is made of half truths that are spoon-fed to the public in an effort to control the masses?
The power elite knows that controlling the media is key to controlling the people.
This is especially true in the United States where people are raised believing that they live in a free country, with a free press, but unfortunately because of this false view of the media, the public generally does not think to question what they are being told by the news.
There is no doubt that this can be a powerful tool in coloring the public’s view on any subject.
What the consolidation of the American media means for each and every American and their communities is that there will be fewer voices to represent the citizens and even fewer media outlets that will have any desire in representing the average American.
If only a small group of people control the media it’s not too difficult to imagine how these few people could restrict the flow of information to the public, only allowing the masses information that is self serving for this group.
Basically, the reason that consolidation of the American media can be so dangerous is that it gives the few too much control in influencing public opinion.
This may including slanting elections in a certain direction, drumming up support for a war, etc.
Who’s Behind this Move to Control the Media
Almost since its beginning, the Council on Foreign Relations’ goal has been to create a new global political and economic system that is structured so that a few control the many through economics, government, and the media.
The Council on Foreign Relations is made up of some of the most powerful individuals, including people such as the Rockefeller family members, as well as those in government, media, and the corporate world.
Unfortunately, the Council on Foreign Relations plays a much larger role in the world than what many understand.
This group has a direct role in deciding when and if the United States goes to war, as well as having a hand in government policies.
For example, during the Bush Administration members of the Council on Foreign Relations held most of the key policy making positions.
How the Media is Used to Control the Masses
Using media outlets is one of the best ways to color public opinion through propaganda, by using particular stories to create a slant toward a certain goal.
This is done by either telling a story in half-truths, or even with outright lies.
If a small group wants the public to think a certain way, this is how they do it.
One example of this would be justification of war; to go to war the public’s support is key; to get it the media is used to paint a picture of imminent danger.
Once the fear factor is created the media is continually used to reinforce that fear, as well as to squash any opposing views they may be surfacing.
Consolidation of the American media is by far one of the biggest threats to American freedom today.
If the public does not have access to information that is unbiased, they cannot make informed decisions.
This is exactly what the elite wants to accomplish, and why consolidation of the American media is one of their main strategies.
America’s founding fathers wanted freedom of the press for a reason.
They knew that getting accurate information to the masses was the only way to ensure that the United States remained a free country.
Who really wants to live in a country where the only information available is controlled by a few powerful, self-serving people?