The Echelon Conspiracy 2009 Review!
Echelon Conspiracy 2009 Review of Movie Reveals Inspiration From Fact.
A special Echelon Conspiracy 2009 review shows that the movie is thrilling because it is actually inspired by truth.
Echelon is an “on-the-quiet” intelligence gathering system at work. I wonder if Shane West and Martin Sheen know about the real life threats. The real threat is that Big Brother is truly here.
Life under a just and fair Constitution has mutated to a “New World Order” where rights are ripped from us. Oh, yes – security is vital for the American public.
And this word has certainly been thrown around in our political arena, after frightening us with horrendous predictions. But that is when our fears take on special meaning to the elite.
They use our fear to convince us to accept their violations of our Constitution.
NSA takes this opportunity to engage in spying on the citizens in the name of “security”. They don’t just monitor communications of real potential terrorists.
Echelon is a computer system run by the National Security Agency. They can eavesdrop on anyone and everyone, filtering out the communications by a special filtering system.
It’s in truth unconstitutional spying on the citizens of this once free nation. Perhaps the movie doesn’t do the concept justice?
Echelon Conspiracy 2009 Review of the Facts of the Matter
This surveillance system involves 5 nations, all sharing information discriminately. The dominating nation, however, is the US.
By the use of Echelon, every fax, every email communication and even every phone call can be monitored and studied. Satellites do their dirty work for them. And we have no say in it at all.
And what is monitored exactly? They have a way of checking all communications for certain “hints” that the conversation or written message contains “threats”.
For example, if they have the computer system filter out all communications with the word, “bomb” in them, they may flag that message, and note down the person.
But how many people may comment sadly about some bomb going off in Iraq, or tell their friends that that last party was really a “bomb”.
All these people are then monitored to some degree for terrorist activity. Your conversation can be printed out and strangers have access to everything you talked about.
There have also been accusations that multinational companies have access to this means of spying, and even get commercial advantages by obtaining privileged information.
You can’t put it past these large corporations, as they have their partners in crime sitting in political and financial power at some of the highest levels.
Yes, this Echelon Conspiracy 2009 review isn’t about a film that will hold you on the edge of your seat.
It is about our government, who SHOULD be holding you at the edge of your seat, waiting not so patiently to find out what you can do to stop their Big Brother tactics. We must find out how to protect our Constitution.
Push Forward to Do Away with Relentless Domestic Spying
The Echelon Conspiracy 2009 review may not have any immediate answers to get NSA to stop their relentless violation of our right to privacy.
But there are plenty of folks who need to know about it. As an American citizen, you can speak out against those who shred our Constitution by telling us lies and deceiving us.