The European Union Leaders Control Everyone in the Union
The European Union Leaders Are Taking Away the Liberty and Freedom of the People in the Union.
European Union leaders have created a system in which the small and the weak are not protected, and everyone is ruled by a large dictatorship underneath the rule of the 27 leaders.
The leaders of the union all have an objective in mind, and that objective is to rid the area of borders in the hopes of creating an entire world without borders.
The current economic crisis has been the biggest test the European Union leaders have faced, as they now have to worry about protectionism ruining their plans.
They have been meeting to urge others to avoid protectionism and keep the borders open and the trade flowing, as if the borders were sealed off once again, the union would dissolve.
The leaders have also worked to form rules for all of the nations in order to get complete and total control over everyone in the union.
This is destroying the sovereignty of the nations in the union, as they are all forced to live under the same rules, and the rules that are put in place are created in order to shut down the borders and make the nation one.
The union is going even further now, by setting up meetings with Barack Obama in order to make sure the United States is on the same page as the union.
The European Union leaders see the possibility of converting the United States with the emergence of Obama as the new leader, and they are going to do whatever they can to make sure trade is free between the nations and the US stays close to the union.
This type of country consolidation is a threat to the entire world, and if the European Union is able to navigate through the current financial crisis and stay together, the United States will be close to collapse.
Nations cannot bind together like this, as the Constitutions for the individual nations are then void and the rights of the people are no longer protected, which means anything can happen to the people.
The Bilderberg Plan
Power of the Leaders
Freedom means the people have a certain degree of power.
The European Union leaders have all of the power, though, and that means the people do not have any of the power.
The people are struggling to get some power, but they are not able to attain it.
There is no system of checks and balances in the union, and the leaders are able to trample on the rights of the people.
This means it will not be long before the union is nothing more than a police state, and then the rest of the world will follow suit.
Ruling without Borders
Freedom needs borders. Without borders, freedom cannot be fully obtained because there are too many opportunities for an overly powerful government to infringe on the freedom.
As the area governed gets larger, so does the government. A large government is not in the best interests of the people.
A large government is not concerned with liberty. Instead, it becomes a business.
A large government only looks to make profits and it does not care about protecting the people.