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The Federal Reserve is a Central Bank

A Federal Reserve is a Central Bank That is Not Part of the Government but Rather a Privately Owned Institution Which is Running the One World Banking System.

The Federal Reserve is a central bank. It’s privately owned and operated as a for-profit business, fleecing our government and citizens alike.

They have never been audited, and their unfettered power and influence harms Americans.

Our Founding Fathers and the early patriots fought hard to get out from under the bank of England, yet very shortly after our country’s birth, the banking criminals gained a foothold that has since grown into a stranglehold.

Those who understood the dangers an potential for abuse warned America’s citizens never to allow a central bank to control the United States currency.

They were so worried about the devastation it would inflict upon the citizens to have a central bank controlling the currency that they wrote in the Constitution that only Congress had the power to create the nation’s currency.

In the early 1900s a few powerfully rich bankers got together with other international bankers at J.P. Morgan’s home and in a secret meeting they wrote up and orchestrated a plan to install the Federal Reserve as a central bank to the nation.

Woodrow Wilson sold out to the people by agreeing to pass the Federal Reserve Act in exchange for campaign money to support his bid for the presidency.

He won, and the Act was passed. Many years later he stated how he regretted that Act and had placed the nation under total rule by a few men.

This is why the Federal Reserve is a central bank in the United States of American.

The Federal Reserve is as Corrupt Now as It Has Always Been

The only difference is the Federal Reserve is a central bank that has now assembled the other central banks around the world, and they are creating a global banking system under the New World Order.

This system will churn out an illegal form of currency and call it a global currency that can be used anywhere and everywhere.

It will be the only currency that can be used because all other currencies will be proclaimed as meaningless and without value.

The push for RFID implants approved by the FDA is to have everyone locked into their totalitarian regime.

The people will be working for the multinational corporations that are owned by the same people that own the one central bank and the slave wages will get paid with fake money that is created by the bank to increase even more debt and on it goes.

All of this is happening under everyone’s noses and these criminals must be laughing their heads off at the rest of us.

The Federal Reserve is a central bank that has grown into a monstrosity.

The only way it seems to get out of this nightmare is to call a complete halt to the entire system and start anew.

The only way to call this complete halt is for all of us to work together and quickly discover how we are going to stop this insanity.

It is far too insidious and overwhelming for one or two people or a small group of concerned citizens to develop a workable plan.

We need each other more than ever and we must join one another in fighting this horrific machine.

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