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The Federal Reserve is a Fraud

The Federal Reserve is a Fraud, Blinding the U.S. Populace While Enslaving Future Generations With Debt to Ruling Class Bankers With the Consent of Our Government.

The Federal Reserve is a fraud, hidden behind a wall of lies since its inception and thriving on deceit.

The very name “Federal Reserve” is an illusion considering it is not even a branch of the U.S. government.

The Fed is a private banking institution founded by several small wealthy European families.

These families methodically developed a way to illegally steal a fraction of the American worker’s earnings adding up to trillions in profits.

The magnitude of these actions seems impossible, but when looked at a little closer the truth reveals itself in many forms and fashions.

The fact that the Federal Reserve is a fraud goes unseen and unmentioned because there is a blanket of illusion pulled over the eyes of the American people.

The first two central banks, the First Bank of the United States and the Second Bank of the United States, failed because distinguished people were educated about the abusiveness of fractional reserve banking.

This is where banks can loan out money that doesn’t exist, backing up only a small percentage of the loan with actual cash.

The recipient of the loan, however, has to pay back the entire amount plus interest, hence money is made out of nothing.

The Federal Reserve is a fraud because it exists only as a front, built to keep you in the dark about how your money is just a number in a computer program that can be bent, shaped and shifted to fit the needs of a few select wealthy bloodlines.

By controlling our money, the elite Fed owners control us.

Founding Fathers Saw It

Founding Fathers such as Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson knew that a central banking system would eventually cripple our economic stature.

In his second term Jackson, as promised, tore down the central banking system that had its hand in the American public’s pocket for 20 years.

When Thomas Jefferson stated “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies,” it shows that he, along with people who shared similar political beliefs, saw the dangers of having private banks financially back a government.

The fact that these educated, free thinking men, who were seeking a fair and impartial political system and a more profound way to live free, were still unable to keep the lingering threat of greed at bay is the very reflection of how powerful the art of deception can be.

The Unconstitutional Crime

The Federal Reserve is a fraud and completely violates the constitution. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution states that Congress shall have the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof.

The Fed is in no way part of the U.S. government or U.S. Congress, the Fed is a privately owned banking institution that coins money and regulates the value thereof.

There it is written in our Constitution, plain as day, from almost 200 years ago, to protect against monetary powers from gaining political influence over the government.

The Federal Reserve is a fraud due to the unjustified control it has over citizens and political leaders that are bound by financial necessities and greed.

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