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The Federal Reserve Structure is Illegal

The Federal Reserve Structure Was Created by the Banking Elite to Benefit Their Ruling Class Control Over the World’s Money and Population.

Many Americans may be unaware of the fact that the Federal Reserve structure is, in reality, a private business entity and illegal.

According to the U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 5, only Congress has the power to coin money and regulate its value.

In 1913, President Woodrow Wilson disregarded the Constitution when he established the Federal Reserve in an effort to unite and control the banking system, as well as coming up with a method to inflation.

Despite the fact that the President appoints the head of this institution, it is a private entity and not a part of the United States Government.

Although the Reserve does not control the government per se, it is common knowledge that, whoever controls the world’s money, also controls the world’s governments.

In 1968, President John F. Kennedy made an effort to destroy this structure in banking by eliminating the Federal Reserve and returning the control of the money system to congress.

Only three weeks later he was assassinated. Not surprisingly, when President Lyndon Johnson took office after Kennedy’s death, one of his first acts was to reverse the order to dismantle the institution.

Foreign Banks Own Majority of the Fed

Another fact that many Americans may be unaware of concerning the Federal Reserve structure is that foreign banks hold 53%.

This means that they have the majority control over the United State monetary system.

The major controllers of the United State banking system include,

  • Rothchild banks of London and Berlin
  • Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam
  • Lehman Brothers Bank of New York
  • Kuhn, Loeb bank of New York
  • Chase Manhattan Bank of New York;
  • Goldman, Sachs Bank of New York
  • Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris
  • Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy

When you also add the fact that a foreign controlled bank is not in any way regulated or audited by the government, this should paint quite a frightening picture to the average citizen.

The Fed Can Control Recession

This finance institution is actually one of the major contributors to inflation.

This non-government controlled establishment has the power to loan money that does not exist, as well as print more money than it does not back.

When this happens the value of the dollar declines, and so can the economy.

The Federal Reserve Structure & Shrinking Middle Class

No private business entity should ever have this type of control over a money system; once you control the money, you also control the masses.

The American Dream is slipping away from the average citizen.

No longer can someone expect to have even a semi comfortable life in the United States if you are among the middle class because today, even the middle class deals with constant struggle to keep from slipping into poverty.

One of the biggest reasons for this is inflation, and it is the elite bankers spurring it on. Everyone should ask why that is?

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